Friday, 19 February 2010

Thailand warns Aussies not to go to Bangkok
via CAAI News Media

February 18, 2010

AUSTRALIANS have been warned against travelling to Bangkok because of the rising threat of violent protests.

Thailand's own tourism council has said foreign tourists should avoid visiting the capital from February 26 and onwards.

Two attempted bombings and next week's highly-anticipated verdict in the legal case involving former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra have caused tensions to rise.

Political protests are expected.

The council's Pornthip Hirunkate said Australians should delay their trips or visit other areas of Thailand until the threat eases.

"We would just suggest that from February 26, if they can come, delay their trip to Bangkok and go to other beaches instead of the city,'' she told ABC Television on Thursday.

A spokeswoman from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it was monitoring the situation in Thailand.

The travel advisory remains at the same level, where visitors are advised to exercise a high degree of caution because of the political instability.

Australians should avoid demonstrations and rallies.

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