Wednesday, 3 March 2010

3 tips for sucess in entertainment

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 03 March 2010 15:03 Aok SokunKanha

Work hard:
“Ability and education are two of the most important things to becoming a performer.” Not only do you need to study your art, but it is also important to have well-rounded knowledge in your life. Both education and ability take a lot of patience, but they are necessary. If you do not work hard on your craft, you will not succeed.

Be creative:
“You need to be creative with both performances and singing.” Artists express themselves, if you are copying someone else that you are not expressing yourself. It is important to think about who you are, what you like, and what you want to say to the world before trying to create art. When you are honest with yourself and who you want to be you can begin to form your artistic identity. Just be yourself!

Be well behaved
“Performers especially need to have strong morality and good behaviour.” While it seems like singers and performers in countries such as America and England can do anything and it does not impact their popularity, artists in Cambodia need to be respectful of the culture. When you are in the spotlight, many people are watching so you always need to exhibit good behaviour. LIFT

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