Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Beeline expands Cambodia presence

via CAAI News Media

Tuesday, 30 March 2010 15:00 Ellie Dyer

MOSCOW-BASED mobile provider Beeline has extended its presence in Cambodia, the firm announced in a statement Monday, at least in terms of sponsorship of new road signs as part of a new marketing strategy.

Beeline has installed 86 road signs in 42 districts along three of Cambodia’s national roads, the company said.

The signs are situated along national Roads 4 to Sihanoukville, 5 to Battambang province and 6 to Siem Riep province, some of the main roads that lead out of Phnom Penh.

According to Beeline’s commercial director, Benoit Janin, the notices, which welcome drivers to districts, have received “warm feedback” so far.

It took the company one month to get permission for the signs from officials.

This latest marketing campaign from the Kingdom’s newest of nine mobile providers comes after the government late last year issued a prakas regulating minimum prices.

Analysts have said the new regulations have pushed telcos to compete on other points aside from tariffs.

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