Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Clinic blamed over road death

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 10 March 2010 15:04 Tep Nimol

THE family of a man who died as a result of injuries sustained in a road accident has filed a complaint with the Interior Ministry against the private clinic that transported him to hospital, saying he died because of negligence on the part of the clinic’s staff.

Ty Somala, 49, died on Sunday after an accident in Stung Meanchey commune in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district.

His brother-in-law, San Borith, said Ty Somala did not die at the scene, and blamed employees of the Cambodian Virtuous Professional Association clinic for failing to treat him.

“My brother did not die instantly at the accident,” San Borith said. “He was conscious because he asked the ambulance crew to call his son to inform him about the accident.”

Phorn, a medical professional from the clinic who spoke on the condition that his full name not be used, said that Ty Somala had in fact died at the scene of the crash.

“The victim died instantly in the accident. We did not want to take the body [to hospital], but the police and villagers asked us to take him, as they suspected he might still be alive,” he said.

The complaint was delivered to the Interior Ministry on Tuesday.

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