Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Forest Blaze: Fire destroys 5 hectares of national park

via CAAI News Media

Tuesday, 23 March 2010 15:04 Tep Nimol

Forest Blaze

Fire destroyed more than 5 hectares of forest in a national park in Oddar Meanchey province on Saturday, in a blaze that authorities said was caused by high temperatures. Ly Darith, deputy military police chief of Anlong Veng district, said the fire, which broke out in the Sa’ak forest within the Koulein Prumtep National Park, subsided the same day without intervention from local authorities. “It is a sparse jungle, not a dense one,” he said. “There are no human inhabitants or farmlands in the area.” He added: “Forest fires happen every year in the area, but usually only on a small scale. It is usually very hot, which makes it difficult for us to prevent the forest from burning.” Keo Vy, spokesman of the National Committee of Natural Disaster Management, said he had not received any official statistics related to the fire, and asked that all provincial authorities send clear reports after such incidents. “Most of the burned areas are not densely forested, they are just covered in bushes,” he said. On March 15, Prime Minister Hun Sen urged Cambodians to pay special attention to fire safety during the dry season.

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