Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Keep on moving up!

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 24 March 2010 15:00 Touch Yin Vannith and Sun Mesa

Life can be stressful when you are trying to balance a job and studies. Here are some ideas from other youths on how you can maximise your time.

1. Try to find work that is similar to your studies.
This way, the things you learn at each place will improve your performance at the other. Bel No Echana Jasmine, a chemistry student at the Royal University of Phnom Penh who also works at Western University, says, “I study chemistry and I work in a laboratory in Western University. Therefore, I can improve my skills in chemistry by knowing how to manage a laboratory, and I can get some experience by practicing whatever I study in class at my job.”

2. Get a job that requires a foreign language.
These days in Cambodia, applicants in any field of work are more attractive if they can speak a foreign language. Even if you have to do a job that you don’t really like, try to get a job that will allow you to practice a language such as English. “I work in Ilink International School as an English teacher, but my major is Khmer literature, so I have difficulty speaking. However, I can build my experience during my part-time job by learning how to teach English.”

3. Find a part-time job doing something positive.
Rather than just making some extra money, try to find a job that is involved with an organisation that is doing something positive for Cambodia. It might be a school, NGO or a socially-engaged company. “Before started my part-time job, I didn’t know what happened or what developed in my country, but now I can participate in the society and meet lots of people and take on more responsibility,” Bel No Echana Jasmine says.

4. If you have to miss a class, make sure you do the reading.
If you are trying to juggle work and school, you will occasionally have to miss one or the other. “Although I study two majors, I can manage both of them by occasionally saving my time by avoiding the lessons and reading at my house.” While Lift does not encourage students to miss class, it happens sometimes, and when it does, you can save your exam scores by hitting the books.

5. When the weekend comes around, take a break.
If you try to be super productive all the time, you will burn out at the age of 30 and go crazy. When you have some free time, do not feel pressured to do work. You have earned some time off. Sit down and watch a movie, read a book, or go out with your friends. You deserve it!

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