Thursday, 4 March 2010

Pattaya Tourist Police Crackdown on Street Beggars
via CAAI News Media

Pattaya’s Tourist Police on Tuesday night conducted a team of officers into the popular nightlife areas of Pattaya in an attempt to purge the location of the numerous street beggars and their children from the area.

Pattaya, the 2nd of March 2010 [PDN]: At approximately 10:00pm on Tuesday, Police Lieutenant Colonel Arun Phromsawang (Pattaya Tourist Police Inspector) conducted a team of Tourism Police officers in the area around 2nd and Beach Roads, Pattaya. The target of investigations was to purge the illegal street beggars and children from around the bars and street stalls.

After several hours of investigating, police were able to apprehend 17 street beggars and 7 children between the ages of 9-12. Bags of clothes and personal belongings were also confiscated and taken to the station.

Following interrogation all offenders turned out to be illegal Cambodian immigrants that had come through the border crossing in Srakaew Province. Police were reluctant to believe the adults claims that the children were their own as it is a common trade to hire kids from their Thai parents for begging purposes.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Phromsawang revealed that all offenders have been charged with illegally entering the Kingdom of Thailand and have been detained awaiting deportation. Lt. Col. Phromsawang stated that the crackdown is a part of the new Pattaya Police Commissioners and Administrations wish to cleanup the cities image and properly in-force the laws. Officers will now attempt to uncover the agents that were involved in bringing these illegal immigrants into the Kingdom in an attempt to shutdown the human trafficking network.

News : Wirraphun
Photo : Wirraphun

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