Monday, 1 March 2010

Playing for good

via CAAI News Media
By Andrea Ball
Sunday, Feb. 28

After hearing about his teacher's trip to Cambodia, Ian Green a ninth-grader at Austin Waldorf School and member of Austin Bella Corda guitar ensemble decided to raise money for a school in that country. In this guest column, Ian talks about his efforts, his inspiration and his thoughts on philanthropy:

In a world where there is so much to be done to stop war, feed the hungry and save the planet from destruction, I have wondered how a teenage kid can help in any way. Although I remember giving toys to children who had none and giving the odd dollar or two to aid people affected by natural disasters, my donations have felt insignificant. Recently, however, I have discovered what I believe will be a more meaningful way to be involved in helping others.

In January, Steven Roy, who was my middle school teacher at the Austin Waldorf School, gave an inspiring presentation about his November 2009 trip to Cambodia.

Mr. Roy, a former administrator for a hospital started by the Dalai Lama and an experienced person in helping those less fortunate, attended the opening ceremony of a rural school started through the fundraising efforts of Mr. Roy's prior middle school class, the AWS class of 2011. He spoke about the Cambodian children's joy at receiving a pencil and eraser, materials I take for granted (now a ninth-grader, I tried to imagine myself with only one pencil — I've lost so many this year!). Mr. Roy also told us about the continuing material needs of the school and the $2,160 a year needed to pay the English/computer teacher, items not provided by the Cambodian government. These children have so little, but would feel as though they had the world at their fingertips with just one pencil that I could easily supply.

Inspired by Mr. Roy's example and presentation, I thought of a way to use my own talents to support the school.

I asked my classical guitar group, Austin Bella Corda, to play a benefit concert for the Cambodian School, called the House of Joy and Happiness. Because music can inspire good in people and is the language understood by all, I felt that if we played our guitars to help the school, people would feel moved to buy tickets and support the Cambodian children's future.

Through organizing the concert, I have come to a conclusion: On my own, I might have raised very little money, but by involving my guitar group and a wider group of ticket buyers and donors, I have discovered a meaningful way to provide a greater amount of help to others. While one person may have an inspiring idea, asking others to help carry it out draws people together and allows philanthropic activities to blossom.

On Sunday, March 7 from 3-5 p.m., Austin Bella Corda will play a benefit concert at the Austin Waldorf School Performing Arts Center, 8700 South View Road (off U.S. 290 West). All proceeds will benefit the Cambodian school, the House of Joy and Happiness. Tickets are $10 (cash or check only) in advance or at the door. For more ticket information, call 512-288-5942, ext. 100.

For additional information, go to www.cambodia, and

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