Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Taking action on the internet

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 24 March 2010 15:01 Sidaroth Kong

Three important words can describe being young: energetic, energised and friendly. Young people are also known for being straightforward and creative. You should take advantage of your open-mindedness and kindness to do something you want and take initiative. Let your inspiration take control and take one step at a time on your way to reaching your goal. Visit the following Web sites to learn more about possible opportunities, how to take initiative and the available global support networks: : an informative online portal of available scholarships, training and conferences, and many more opportunities for information created for ambitious young people who have a desire to make an impact in their local communities or the world at large. With appropriate information and opportunities, young people can have greater impact and better develop their personal capacity. : a foundation that strengthens, supports and celebrates the role of young people in leading positive changes in communities around the globe. With this foundation, you can “Learn: access knowledge, tools and resources”, “Connect: network with like minds”, and “Do: take action for a better world”. : offers a safe and supportive global cyberspace within which you can explore, discuss and partner on issues related to human rights and social change, as well as develop awareness, leadership, community building and critical thinking skills through active and substantive participation with your peers and with decision makers globally. : online community of youth interested in global issues and creative positive change. Issues covered are youth media, culture, education, environment, globalisation, health and technology.

So think about some simple initiative within your capacity, set a goal and plan your journey. Some promising results of implementing your initiative will be critical thinking ability, developing self-confidence, accumulating knowledge and practical experience. These things will help you lead the life you want and be well prepared for your desired career.

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