Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Vietnamese, Cambodian veterans step up cooperation

via CAAI News Media


War veterans of Vietnam and Cambodia will tighten their cooperation in a myriad of fields under a friendship and cooperation agreement signed between the two countries’ war veterans associations in Phnom Penh on March 2.

Accordingly, both sides will increase domestic and international coordination in disseminating information on the traditional friendship and mutual support between both states, armies and war veterans’ associations. They will also boost the exchange of information and experience in improving living standards of veterans’ families and facilitate cooperation among veteran-run businesses, especially in border provinces.

The deal was reached during a meeting between the Cambodian Minister of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, Ith Samheng, and Lieutenant General Tran Hanh, chairman of the Vietnam War Veterans’ Association (VWVA), who is leading a delegation to visit Cambodia from March 1-4.

During the meeting, Chairman Tran Hanh informed the Cambodian minister of the VWVA’s current activities at both central and provincial levels. He also shared experiences relating to development of veterans’ associations. In addition, Hanh forwarded an invitation of the Veterans’ Confederation of ASEAN Countries (VECONAC) for Cambodia to join its activities.

Minister Ith Samheng said Cambodia always keeps in mind the great sacrifice and contributions of the Vietnamese people and army during the time of war and peace alike.

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