Saturday, 24 April 2010

Sony unveils 3-D television

Photo by: Bejan Siavoshy
A man wears 3-D glasses at the unveiling of a new Sony television at the Intercontinental hotel on Thursday afternoon.

via CAAI News Media

Friday, 23 April 2010 15:01 Bejan Siavoshy

State-of-the-art TV set to launch in Cambodia later this year

Leading technology company Sony unveiled a 3-D television set in Cambodia on Thursday, which is due to become available in the Kingdom later this year.

Distributors of the state-of-the-art television set, which gives viewers the impression of watching footage in three dimensions at the flick of a switch, believe that demand for high-end consumer goods is growing in the Kingdom.

Two companies, K4 group and Sunsimexco, will distribute the product. According to Sunsimexco, it will be distributed to dealers in Phnom Penh markets. The price has not yet been disclosed.

Chantha Vy, manager of K4 group, said: “Since about 2002, we have seen a steady increase in the amount of new technology products we sell in Cambodia. People are always in the market for something new.”

Spencer Low, senior manager of market department for Sony Singapore, said: “For the next couple of years, [the market] seems pretty rosy.

“ We feel consumers in Cambodia will move toward our [high-end] target market segment.”

Canice Koh, senior executive for Sony Singapore’s home audio-visual product marketing department, said the technology is the first of its kind to be marketed in the Kingdom.

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