Monday, 21 June 2010

Rubber group launches tree planting project in Cambodia

via Khmer NZ News Media


Dong Nai and Dong Phu rubber companies under the Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) began a campaign to grow new rubber trees in 2010 in Sombo district, Kratie province in Cambodia on June 19.

The campaign is the result of great efforts by VRG’s subsidiary companies to plant 100,000 hectares of rubber trees in Cambodia despite harsh weather conditions and escalating oil prices.

Addressing the ceremony, Le Quang Thung, Chairman of the VRG Management Board affirmed that VRG-funded projects in Cambodia have proved to be effective. Currently, the two companies have attracted more than 2,000 workers in Cambodia.

Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Im Chun Lim, also highlighted VRG’s investment models in Cambodia, adding that subsidiary companies of VRG have helped generate jobs, eradicate poverty and stabilize local residents’ lives.

These companies have been implemented this project to grow rubber in Sombo district since 2008.

After receiving a license to operate in more than 16,000 hectares of land in Sombo, the companies planted more than 2,000 hectares of rubber trees in 2008-2009 period and each company is expected to plant around 2,000 hectares in 2010.

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