Tuesday, 22 June 2010

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via Khmer NZ News Media
Taiwanese delegates to arrive in Cambodia
Tuesday, 22 June 2010 15:00 May Kunmakara

A GROUP of 27 Taiwanese companies, lead by Wayne W Wu, vice chairman of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), will spend a one-day-business trip to Cambodia on July 1, to pave the way for expansion trade between the both nations. Keo Nimet, International relation manager at the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce, said delegates will meet with more than 300 local businesspeople at Phnom Penh’s Cambodiana Hotel.

Land Rights: Ex-soldiers camp out in land dispute

Tuesday, 22 June 2010 15:02 May Titthara

Land Rights

A group of 50 veterans from Banteay Meanchey province have been camped out in Phnom Penh for 11 days awaiting a response to a complaint filed with Prime Minister Hun Sen’s cabinet over a land dispute involving a military official. The veterans represent 338 families from Malai district who have been in dispute with Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Lieutenant Colonel Preab Sarum over 100 hectares of land in Tuol Pongro commune since April 2009, when he allegedly sold their land to businessman Puth Si Ngob. Nuo Leng, a representative of the group, said the land in question was included in a 549-hectare concession granted to the soldiers in 1997. Chhim Mach, another representative, accused Tuol Pongro commune chief Tim Morn and Malai district governor Tep Khunnal of colluding with Preab Sarun, pointing to the arrest in May 2009 of five villagers involved in the dispute. All five remain in custody. But Tim Morn said the land falls within a protected forest area. Tep Khunnal, Preab Sarun and Lim Leang Se, deputy chief of Hun Sen’s cabinet, could not be reached for comment.

KR Education: KR history slogans to be in schools

Tuesday, 22 June 2010 15:02 Mom Kunthear

KR Education

The Education Ministry has approved two slogans concerning the importance of Khmer Rouge history lessons that are set to be displayed in high schools nationwide, officials said Monday. According to an unofficial translation, the slogans, which were suggested by the Documentation Centre of Cambodia (DC-Cam) and amended by the Education Ministry, read: “To study life in the Khmer Rouge period is to learn about reconciling and educating children to be tolerant and forgive each other,” and,“To learn about the history of Democratic Kampuchea means to learn to prevent other genocidal regimes from happening”. Ton Sa Im, an undersecretary of state and head of Khmer Rouge studies at the Education Ministry, said the slogans would be posted in schools to ‘‘remind all people to know and remember our history”. DC-Cam director Youk Chhang said the ministry approved the phrases on Thursday, and that he expects them to appear in schools early next year.

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