Thursday, 29 July 2010

Cambodia Plans to Create Children’s Court

via Khmer NZ

Cambodia Plans to Create Children’s Court

Wednesday, 28 July 2010 11:55 DAP NEWS /

Vibol .CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, JULY 28, 2010-Cambodia’s justice ministry announced on Wednesday that it will launch a model children’s court in a province as pilot project to help to juvenile rights and it help to implement the international laws.

“It will provided benefits to children and their rights in process of penal code and justice in country, and currently we could not separate the existing courts, but near future we will have children’s court,” Ang Vong Vantha, justice minister told a seminar in Phnom Penh.

He added that the court will be a model one for us, and it will become a center of human resources in legal and court system in the country.

We need to have train involved stakeholders for this court including judicial police, judges, prosecutors, and court staffs, he states. In Cambodia, minors will face with rehabilitation and later integrate into society as usual when they committed illegal acts.

Cambodia Wraps Up National Exam for High School’s Students

Wednesday, 28 July 2010 11:33 By Khemera

Cambodia,Phnom Penh,28-July-2010,Cambodia on Wednesday concluded the two and a half day national exam for high school’s students with some irregularities in exam classes and bad behaviors for exams.

In overall, the national exam this year had some irregularities of cheating or students has answers sheet in exam classes and some controllers and juries in classes took money from students, Rong Chun, head of independent teachers ‘association said by phone.

Senior officials at education ministry rejected that accusation with asking that the association should cooperate with ministry to reveal the names of teachers, and juries who provided the answer sheets and took the money from students.

In Phnom Penh, it did not have a matter like that because we checked all students without any answer sheets into exam classes even their pockets do not allow to keep any answer copies, Chea Chet, head of Phnom Penh education office said, adding that we want our students to have quality and quantity to help develop human resources in the country.

But some students asked not to be named that they paid some money for their juries in classes to allow them to copy answer from sheet that they got from outside the classes.

This year, the national exam included 108,000 students with 191 exam centers across the country.

In Cambodia, students who got A plus and B plus for all subjects, generally, can enter university directly but some subjects with those degrees need to sit for scholarship for entering universities or need to pay money for studying at the universities. For bachelor degree, a student needs to pay about 500 US dollar per year for their degree and need to sit for four years.

Mu Sochua Admired Dr. Bun Rany for Her Leadership

Wednesday, 28 July 2010 06:23 DAP-NEWS

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, JULY 28, 2010-Sam Rainsy Party’s National Assembly Member Mu Sochua on Tuesday of July 27, 2010 announced in public that she would admire Dr. Bun Rany, President of The Cambodian Red Cross, for her intelligent leadership.

In a meeting with the representatives of the Grassroots Cambodian Women’s Movement at the Green Restaurant, the Opposition Sam Rainsy Party’s National Assembly Member Mu Sochua announced in public that she would like to absolutely admire Dr. Bun Rany, who is one of the most outstanding women politicians in Cambodia, for her intelligent leadership. “Among the Cambodian leaders and politicians, Dr. Bun Rany is a person to whom I always pay the most respect as I do to Prime Minister Hun Sen. Dr. Bun Rany always plays an active role in protecting the Khmer women’s honor and dignity,” said Mu Sochua. “Dr. Bun Rany has always warned the government’s officials against committing any crime which is detrimental to the Khmer Society’s moral and the Khmer women’s value,” she confirmed.

“I would like to announce in public that I am one of the Khmer women and among the women politicians and now I would like to honestly respect and admire Dr. Bun Rany for her intelligent and wise leadership,” she stressed. However, Mu Sochua also called on the journalists to write and publish a true and specific information based on the journalist’s professionalism.

“Mu Sochua’s admiration has, in fact, demonstrated her political goodwill to building up peace in mind with Prime Minister Hun Sen and Dr. Bun Rany, and it was thought that if all the worlds she said absolutely came out of her pure heart, this would show clearly about the spirits of national reconciliation, the responsibilities, and the recognition of the facts,” said a political analyst.

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