Thursday, 8 July 2010

Cambodia, Viet Nam, Laos boost triangle dev't

via Khmer NZ

Publication Date : 08-07-2010

The Japanese government has offered a US$20-million-aid to boost the development of provinces along the border of Cambodia, Viet Nam and Laos.

Cambodia and Laos each received $7.5 million and Viet Nam got $3.5 million. The rest will be used to rebuild the infrastructure in the zone.

Buffed by the Japanese aid, lawmakers from Cambodia, Vietnamese and Laos assemblies met on July 7 in Cambodia's Katie province to discuss the possibility of a triangle development among three countries.

The Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam Development Triangle covers the territory of the following provinces: Mondulkiri, Rattanakiri and Stung Treng (Cambodia); Attapeu, Saravan and Se Kong (Laos); and Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Gia Lai and Kon Tum (Viet Nam).

These provinces are located in the border area of the three countries. They share many similarities in terms of natural, economic and social conditions. The development level of the provinces in the triangle zone is generally low compared to the average national level of their respective countries. The share of agriculture in GDP remains high.

The project aims to develop the economy in the remote area and to reduce the poverty of the people. “The National Assembly of each country will push the sustainable development and economic growth in order to help people in the triangle zone,” said Heng Samrin, president of the Cambodian National Assembly.

Over the last few years, the triangle zone has been developed. Unfortunately, last year, it was affected by typhoon Ketsana.

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