Wednesday, 21 July 2010

New drive to promote darker side to Cambodia gap year adventure

via Khmer NZ

Posted 20 Jul 2010

Adventurous travellers spending a gap year in Cambodia are to be encouraged to get off the beaten track and see a different side to the country.

Presently, the vast majority of backpackers and gap year travellers heading to the south-east Asian country are likely to stick to the beaches, bars and Angkor temples that have been attracting visitors for years.

However, the Cambodian government is now encouraging tourists to see a darker side to this paradise, with the last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge being promoted as an unlikely tourist attraction, Time magazine reported.

Located less than two hours from the world-famous Angkor Wat temple complex, Anlong Veng served as a base for the movement back in the 1990s, though the surrounding area is still home to numerous supporters and ‘fanatics’.

According to the magazine, the Cambodian government has now stepped up its efforts to allow "national and international guests to visit to understand the last political leadership of the genocidal regime", with hopes high that the site could soon be a major stopping-off point on the backpacker trail.

The website of the Cambodian tourist board has a special page aimed at teaching prospective visitors to the country some basic sayings in the national language, Khmer.

1 comment:

  1. A good idea. I went travelling after uni and it is too easy to fall into the trap of partying 24/7 and never really understanding the countries you visit.

    I'm hoping to go again, and do it properly this time. I've entered a competition called Your Big Year, where the prize is a free year-long trip around the world!

    Please quote my id number 2105 if you decide to register!
