Tuesday, 17 August 2010

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via Khmer NZ


NA President Highly Values Singapore's Contribution to Cambodian Development

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian National Assembly President Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin has highly valued Singapore for its precious contribution to Cambodia’s development.

Samdech Heng Samrin made the remarks here on Aug. 16 during a meeting with out-going Singaporean Ambassador to Cambodia Mrs. Tan Yee Woan.

The Cambodian NA president also expressed thanks to the government and people of Singapore for their assistance to Cambodia in all domains.

For her part, Mrs. Tan Yee Woan told the NA president of her endeavors during her three-year mission here in strengthening relations between both countries.

She also pledged to continue to promote the relationship between the two countries even though she concluded her mission here and will take up a new assignment. --AKP

(By LIM Nary)



Cambodian-Thai Border Issue: PM, ASEAN Secretary General Stress on Patience

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, and visiting ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan have shared the same idea on the need of patience regarding the current Cambodia-Thailand border dispute.

During their two-hour meeting here on Aug. 16, both sides also stressed on avoiding further armed clashes, refraining from war of words and resolving the border conflict peacefully, H.E. Sry Thamrong, minister attached to the prime minister, told reporters upon the meeting.

Cambodia has followed closely the Thai government’s attitude showing that it would submit the last three border agreements signed with Cambodia to the Thai Assembly for approval, he said.

Cambodia is determined to settle [the border issue with Thailand] by existing mechanisms, H.E. Sry Thamrong underlined.

ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan arrived here last Sunday to join an international exercise to prepare for severe pandemics. He also led a 30-member Muslim delegation to strengthen relations with Cambodia’s Muslim community.

Earlier on the same day, the visiting ASEAN secretary general also met with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H.E. Hor Namhong who reaffirmed Cambodia’s stand in solving the border dispute with Thailand by peaceful means.

The Cambodian deputy prime minister further stressed that Cambodia is ready to defend its territorial integrity against any act of aggression.

Cambodia has recently sent letters to UN General Assembly President H.E. Ali Abdussalam Treki, UN Security Council President H.E. Vitaly Churkin and ASEAN President H.E. Pham Gia Khiem, seeking their mediation to Cambodia-Thailand border conflict. --AKP

(By KHAN Sophirom)



Vietnamese Military Delegation Visits Cambodia

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- A Vietnamese Military delegation led by Gen. Le Van Dung, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, began yesterday its four-day official visit in Cambodia.

The visit is aimed at boosting the military cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

Gen. Le Van Dung, also director of the General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army, is scheduled to attend today a meeting at the Defense Ministry and hold talks with Defense Minister H.E. Tea Banh.

He will pay courtesy visit to Cambodian Premier Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and visit Ream naval base in Preah Sihanouk province. --AKP

(By OU Sokha)



Cambodia Holds Table Top Exercise for Managing the Impact of Pandemics

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- Foreign officials gathered here on Aug. 16 to hold Southeast Asia Regional Multisectoral Pandemic Preparedness and Response Table Top Exercise for Managing the Impact of Pandemics on Societies, Governments and Organizations.

The table top exercise, which runs through from Aug. 16 to 20, was presided over by Senior Minister Dr. Nhim Vanda, first vice president of the National Committee for Disaster Management of the Royal Government of Cambodia with the participation of Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, secretary general of ASEAN, Dr. Pieter Johannes Van Maaren, representative of the country United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO) and Mr. Flynn Fuller, mission director of U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID).

The foreign officials, who participated in the 5-day forum, are from the 10 ASEAN member countries, international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

In his remarks at the function, Senior Minister Dr. Nhim Vanda stressed the value of the event to the region.

“Cambodia was one of the first countries in Southeast Asia to focus its preparedness efforts on non-health sectors. This event provides the opportunities to bring the multi-sector preparedness focus to a regional level and set an example that can be followed on a global front,” he said

“We are all aware that the global pandemic which is in critical form is surely affecting the lives of the human beings, and socio-economic status of our nations,” he added.

He also suggested “there is only one strategy to deal with the issue, that is, to prevent and reduce the impact to a minimum level through which all of us shall set an advance planning before a critical moment by such pandemic arises.”

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, secretary general of ASEAN, said “a pandemic’s disastrous nature lies in its ability to cause massive morbidity, disability and loss of human lives that could lead to severe social and economic disruptions due to discontinuity of essential services, operations and businesses.”

“The readiness of countries and the entire region to manage a highly disruptive pandemic is of prime regional and global concern. Thus, the promotion of the whole-of-society or multi-sectoral approach is something that ASEAN wish to direct the support of its partners and all stakeholders,” he said. --AKP

(By THOU Peou)



S. Korea Provides Ambulances to Cambodian Health Ministry

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- The Dong Kwang Pharm Co., Ltd. of the Republic of Korea has provided here on Aug. 16 three ambulances to the Ministry of Health of Cambodia.

The handover ceremony was held in the presence of Health Minister Dr. Mam Bun Heng and President of Dong Kwang Pharm Co., Ltd. Mr. Byung Kil Yu.

On the occasion, Dr. Mam Bun Heng highly appreciated the donation, stressing that it does response to the ministry’s needs and planning.

He further said that the ambulances will be distributed to rural hospitals. --AKP

(By CHEA Vannak)



Food Security and Nutrition Training for Journalists Concluded

Phnom Penh, August 17, 2010 AKP -- The training course on Food Security and Nutrition for Cambodian Journalists was concluded here on Aug. 13 under the presidency of Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith and UNESCO Country Representative Mr. Teruo Jinnai.

On the occasion, Mr. Teruo Jinnai said that the food security and nutrition program will contribute to achieving the millennium development goals on poverty and starvation elimination, child mortality rate reduction and mother’s healthcare improvement.

For his part, Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith attached much importance to the training course on Food Security and Nutrition, praising UNESCO and the Council for Rural and Agriculture Development and Rehabilitation for running the course to promote the knowledge of journalists and their reporting skills on food security and nutrition.

The Ministry of Information has also planned to conduct more refresher courses for the ministry’s officials for their respective skills in 2010-2011, he added.

The five-day (Aug. 9-13) course drew 30 trainees from 25 media units in Cambodia. --AKP

(By Théng)

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