Thursday, 19 August 2010

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via Khmer NZ


NA President Receives Out-going S. Korean Ambassador

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly, met here on Aug. 18 with out-going Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Cambodia H.E. Lee Kyung-Soo.

The out-going S. Korean diplomat said during his diplomatic mission, he noted remarkable democratic and economic development in the Kingdom. “This shows the efforts from both Cambodian legislative and executive bodies,” he said.

The trade exchange between Cambodia and S. Korea has also developed significantly, he added, pledging to continue to help promote the relationship and cooperation between the two nations even though he completed his diplomatic mission in the Kingdom.

In reply, Samdech Chakrei Heng Samrin expressed deep thanks to the government and people of the Republic of Korea for their precious assistance to Cambodia, especially in training human resource, receiving Cambodian labor and providing grants and loans for infrastructure construction.

In Cambodia, he said, S. Korea is in the lead in eight key domains - investment, tourism, cultural exchange, vocational training, Information Technology (IT), construction, finance, and airline services.

The Republic of Korea further supported Cambodia’s candidacy as a member of the World Heritage Committee in Paris 2009, he stressed. --AKP

(By Théng)



PM Supports DK Fund’s Projects

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has expressed his full support to the projects of the DK Fund of the Republic of Korea in Cambodia.

The projects include the creation of a vocational training center in Preah Sihanouk province, scholarship granting to Cambodian poor students and the construction of a medical school, Ieng Sophalet, assistant to the Cambodian premier told reporters after the meeting here on Aug. 18 between Samdech Techo Hun Sen and visiting U.S.-based DK Fund’s President Mr. Dong Koo Kim.

During the meeting, added the assistant, Mr. Dong Koo Kim told Samdech Techo Hun Sen that he will provide scholarships to Cambodian poor students for a 10-year period starting from 2010 onwards. He further explained he decided to provide scholarships to Cambodian students because Cambodia and the Cambodian people have good relationship with other countries, including the Republic of Korea.

In reply, Samdech Techo Hun Sen warmly welcomed and supported the above-said projects and recommended Mr. Dong Koo Kim to work with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. --AKP

(By SOKMOM Nimul)



ADB Pledges to Provide US$597.7 Million to Cambodia

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has pledged to provide US$597.7 million in grant and loan to Cambodia for a three-year period, from 2011 to 2013.

The promise was made known here on Aug. 18 upon the meeting between Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon and ADB Country Director Mr. Putu Kamayana.

Of the total amount, some US$558.5 million will be used to support 23 development projects in nine fields including agriculture, natural resources and rural development, communication, energy, urban development, clean water supply, education and vocational training, financial development, and public and private development, according to a press release of the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The rest, US$39.2 million, will be used for 36 local and Greater Mekong Subregion-framework projects, it said.

Mr. Putu Kamayana said the ADB’s assistance to Cambodia for the next three years saw an increase if compared with that of the last three years. This is due to Cambodia’s commitment and endeavors in developing the country and alleviating poverty.

For his parts, H.E. Keat Chhon said ADB continued to play key role in Cambodian development. --AKP

(By LIM Nary)



Commerce Minister Attends GMS Ministerial Meeting in Hanoi

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian Senior Minister and Commerce Minister H.E. Cham Prasidh left here on Aug. 17 for Vietnam to join the Greater Mekong Subregion Ministerial Meeting, taking place on Aug. 19-20 in Hanoi.

According to a press release of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the purpose of the meeting is to promote regional cooperation, especially to find out long-term development strategy for the 2010-2022 period.

The participants are also expected to discuss a strategic project on regional railway link, a plan of action on environment, agricultural support program and renewable energy program, etc.

The meeting is attended by ministers from the GMS member countries – Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam – as well as ADB officials.

Besides the meeting, Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh is scheduled to attend an ASEAN meeting in Da Nang, Vietnam, said an official of the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce. --AKP

(By SOKMOM Nimul)


Cambodia Opens Trade Fair to Promote Investment and Trade Chances

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- Cambodia opened trade fair on Wednesday with an aim to promote investment and trade opportunities in this country.

The three-day trade fair opened Wednesday through Friday is expected to bring in more than 200 international exhibitors and millions of dollars of investment and trading opportunities, reported Chinese News Agency Xinhua.

The fair is organized by Cambodia Investment & Business Development (CIBD) and supported by Cambodia Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and Cambodia Professionals Network (COMPRONET)-- is held at Diamond Island Conventional & Exhibition Center, in a newly developed island in Cambodia’s capital of Phnom Penh.

The trade fair brings in about 60 booths taken up mostly by the foreign companies, include companies from ASEAN countries, South Korea, China, Japan, India, and others which are interested to explore the investment and trading opportunities, according to Mong Lina, spokesperson for the event.

H.E. Cham Prasidh, senior minister and minister of commerce, said in his message for CIBD that the CIBD Fair 2010 will be one of the catalysts that ensure our investment and trading activities are uninterrupted and will further fuel demand for our local made products internationally.

“The convergence of business interest, cultural diversity and natural attraction in Cambodia offers new, unique and high value trading and business opportunities, which we hope delegates will explore,” H.E. Cham Prasidh said.

He added that the commitment shown by the organizer has opened up a platform for international trade to bring in the much needed investment fund and job opportunities for Cambodia.

The organizing Chairman of CIBD, L.L. Koong said in his speech during the launching ceremony that, in looking at economic opportunities in Cambodia, one always needs to look at them in the context of Cambodia’s larger relationship with the region.

“In 1999, Cambodia became a member of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), a political grouping which groups 10 countries with a total population of about 550 million and a GDP of something under US$600 billion - at purchasing power parity, US$1.8 trillion,” he said.

He commended that Cambodia is one of the most open economies in this region.

According to the Heritage Foundations index of Economic Freedom, Cambodia ranked 35th among 170 countries in terms of economic freedom.

This puts it on a par with Japan and well ahead of several of its neighbors.

The organizer is putting in efforts to organize comprehensive business matching session to enable the entrepreneurs from overseas to have direct and close interaction with the Cambodian entrepreneurs and government officers. --AKP



Integrated Efforts Crucial in Helping Cambodia to Respond to Climate Change

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- The Royal Government of Cambodia and its development partners on Wednesday stressed on the need for integrated efforts under different climate change-related initiatives to ensure high efficiency in helping the country to respond to the impact of this global problem.

The message came during the inception workshop of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) which was held today (Aug. 18). The event marked the beginning of a new implementation phase of the CCCA following its launch on Feb. 25 this year, said a press release of the Cambodian Ministry of Environment.

H.E. Dr. Mok Mareth, Senior Minister and Minister of Environment, Chairman of the National Climate Change Committee, opened the workshop by reiterating the high attention of the Royal Government of Cambodia is tackling impacts of climate change as a strategic priority for reducing poverty.

“We are undertaking this task at a time when climate change-related issues are becoming more and more serious, requiring the utmost attention in our national development agenda,” the minister said in the occasion of opening session.

“Because climate change is a cross-sectoral issue directly concerning ministries and institutions that are charged with tasks of national development, the Royal Government of Cambodia has recognized the need to streamline climate change issues into the national policy and the socio-economic development plan at national and sub-national levels, as well as into other relevant sectors,” he added.

Cambodia, where some 80 percent of the population live in the countryside and depend on agriculture for livelihoods, is deemed vulnerable to impacts of climate change events such as drought, erratic patterns of rain falls, and flooding. However, along with these challenges there are also opportunities for funding to least developed countries like Cambodia. But Cambodia needs to prepare and strengthen its institutional capacity to make use of those opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development.

The CCCA, a multi-donor funded initiative, was created for this objective. The CCCA will strengthen the key institutions – including the National Committee on Climate Change, the Climate Change Department, and key climate change functional units within sectors at national and sub-national levels. The aim is to support the integration of climate change considerations into policy and planning processes to build a national adaptation system.

The CCCA initiative is supported by the Climate Change Trust Fund of US$8.9 million – which covers the period 2010-2012 – from the European Union, UNDP, SIDA, and DANIDA, the representatives of which also attended the workshop on Wednesday.

For climate change impacts are too big for any single project, ministry or development partner to act alone, it is crucial to consolidate and harmonise different initiatives through the promotion of a National Programme for climate change, Rafael Dochao Moreno, Chargé d’Affaires, European Union Delegation to Cambodia, said in his speech on behalf of all the CCCA donors.

“The CCCA is NOT a programme of the Ministry of Environment; it is a programme of the National Climate Change Committee and as such requires commitment and engagement from all ministries,” he said.

“We propose that a consolidated effort be made by all involved in climate change to support the establishment of a National Programme for climate change – to be established by the Government, with the support of development partners and civil society organizations – to align climate change initiatives and donor support with national strategies and priorities,” he said.

“A programmatic approach can reduce transactions costs, strengthen national ownership and leadership, and enhance efficiency and effectiveness in order to promote greater impacts,” he added.

Following the launching of CCCA early this year a programme team was assembled to draw up plans for the next phase of the programme implementation.

The aim of the workshop was to assist the team to understand and take ownership of the objectives and the expected results of the programme. It will also include, among other issues, review of the progress made during the inception phase, discussion of grant guidelines, discussion of capacity development approach and harmonization and expected results of the work of the CCCA initiative first year, 2010-2011. --AKP



Minister of Justice: Wild Animal Trade Endangers Cambodia’s Natural Resources

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- Minister of Justice H.E. Ang Vong Vathana has asked his ministry’s officials to further cooperate to stop wild animal trade.

The wild animal trade has been endangering Cambodian’s natural resources, he said when presiding over the opening workshop on wild animal crime held here yesterday.

This workshop is an important occasion for the law enforcement officials to learn about this crime, and local and cross-border cooperation to help combat and crack down all illegal wild animal trade, he said.

The workshop was jointly organized by the Cambodian Ministry of Justice, the U.S. Department of Justice and the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) and sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). --AKP

Khan Sophirom



Books of Duch’s Verdict Become a Document of a Great Value

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010, AKP -- Books of Duch’s verdict have become a document of a great value for courthouse of Kandal province.

Officials from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal handed over copies of Duch’s judgment to judges, prosecutors and court clerks at the Courthouse in Kandal province on Aug. 17.

Mr. Kranh Tony, the tribunal’s acting director of administration, said the books were useful for lawyers, law students and researchers to understand the half-UN-Cambodian tribunal and the trial proceedings of international justice standards.

He said the judgment was a remedy for treating for the injury of the feelings to the long-awaited victims.

He stressed that the development of the law field was also in response to the legal and juridical reform of the Cambodian royal government.

The substantive part of the trial against KAING Guek Eav, alias Duch, started on Mar. 30, 2009. Closing arguments ended on Nov. 27, 2009 after a total of 72 trial days, during which 24 witnesses, 22 Civil Parties and nine experts listened to the court hearings. More than 28,000 people followed the proceedings from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

Mr. In Vanvibol, head of the Kandal provincial court thanked officials from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal for the books, saying that court officials would study the judgment from the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, as the tribunal is formally known.

5,000 copies of the 450-page judgment and 17,000 copies of 36-page summary version have been printed, according to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. --AKP

(By THOU Peou)



Russia to Train Cambodian Military

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP --- The Russian Federation has agreed to train Cambodian military officers with military technical skills in its country.

The information was made known here recently during a meeting between Cambodian military trainees and Russian military attaché to Cambodia, Col. Nikolay Nikolayuk.

According to Keo Sambath, deputy director of International Relations Department of the National Defense Ministry, 20 young officers will be sent for training in Russia in the near future.

Russia had suspended its military relations and cooperation with Cambodia in the 1990s and has resumed in 2007, he said.

Col. Nikolay Nikolayuk said the Russian Federation always helps Cambodia in training human resource, including military officers and civil servants. --AKP

(By CHEA Vannak)



Cambodia, Vietnam Fight Against Border Crimes

Phnom Penh, August 19, 2010 AKP -- The Police forces of Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province and Vietnam’s southern province of Binh Phuoc signed on Wednesday in Binh Phouc a cooperative program to fight against crimes in border areas, Vietnam News Agency (VNA) reported.

According to Director of Binh Phuoc provincial Police Department Nguyen Chi Cuong, police forces of the two provinces will exchange information relating to border criminals and work closely to facilitate border demarcation and marker planting between the two countries, VNA said.

They will also tightly control all border travel of citizens of each country and create favorable conditions for people of both countries to exchange goods, visit family members and undertake medical check-ups, it added.

The police forces of Mondulkiri and Binh Phuoc provinces have worked together to prevent illegal wood product transportation, drug trafficking and the trading of stolen motorbikes, said VNA. --AKP

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