Thursday, 26 August 2010

Cambodia, Thai resume diplomatic ties helpful to relation improvement: official

via Khmer NZ

August 25, 2010

The restoration of the diplomatic relations between Cambodia and Thailand will be sure to help further improve relations between the two countries, a government official said on Tuesday.

Thailand ambassador arrived here on Tuesday evening to resume his work in Cambodia after absence of nearly 10 months.

Koy Kuong, foreign ministry's spokesman confirmed to Xinhua on Tuesday evening that "Cambodian ambassador, Madame You Ay, will return to perform her duty as ambassador tomorrow, now that Thai ambassador has returned to Phnom Penh."

Cambodia, Thailand downgraded their diplomatic relation on Nov. 5 last year after Cambodia appointed Thaksin as advisor to Cambodian government and Prime Minister Hun Sen. Thai recalled ambassador Prasas Prasasvinitchai and Cambodia made the same move on the same day.

But Thaksin made a surprise resignation from the posts on Monday and Cambodian government announced it had accepted his resignation.

Just hours after Cambodia confirmed to Thailand with Thaksin's resignation from the posts, Thai government said it would send back the ambassador to Cambodia the next day, and Cambodia said it will reciprocate its ambassador.

Koy Kuong said that the restoration of the diplomatic relations between the two countries will be sure to help the further improvement of the relations in various fields.

However, he declined to give further details about what's the effect it will be on the solution of border dispute between two countries. "I can't answer the question now, all we can do is to wait and see," he said. "We can not say that with the restoration of a good diplomatic relation, all the problems will be solved such as the border issue."

Cambodia and Thailand has had border dispute since Cambodia's Preah Vihear Temple was registered as World Heritage Site in July 2008.

Since then several rounds of military clashes have occurred between the two countries' armies and caused some deaths and injuries on both sides.

Source: Xinhua

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