Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Cambodian Migrant Labourers To Malaysia And Thailand Up 2 Folds In Six Months

via Khmer NZ

PHNOM PENH, Aug 3 (Bernama) -- Cambodia's migrant workers to Malaysia and Thailand increased two folds in the first six months of this year, compared to the same period last year, China's Xinhua news agency quoted the Cambodia Recruitment Agency (CRA) as saying on Tuesday.

The statistics showed that Cambodia has sent 5,776 legal workers (3,543 female and 2,233 male) to Malaysia from January to June this year, up two folds from only 1,925 in the first half of 2009.

In Malaysia, female workers are employed as maids and shop assistants, while male workers are for working in manufacturing industry.

While, Thailand received 2,409 labourers (1,124 female and 1,285 male) in the first six months of this year, up two folds from only 803 workers in the same period last year. Most of them are working in factories and tourism industry.

President of CRA An Bun Hak said that the increase of migrant workers to Malaysia is due to the high demand for housekeeping following Indonesia's decision to stop sending their workers into the market concerning about poor labour condition.

"Our workers in house keeping sharply increased because our workers have worked very well and the demand of labor forces in Malaysia is on the rise," he said.

"As for Thailand, the increase is because of some illegal Cambodian labourers working in Thailand have returned to Cambodia last year during the crisis to fill up for legal status and go back to work in Thailand legally," he added.

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