Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Cisco to expand programme in Cambodian university

via Khmer NZ


IT giant Cisco is to expand its Networking Academy programme in Cambodia, making the course available to students at the University of Management and Economics (UME) from October.

It will be available to 1,500 students on ICT degrees and will help them develop their skills in how to design, build, troubleshoot and secure computer networks and to prepare them for a career in the industry.

The programme is supported by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, bridging the digital divide by providing learning opportunities for people in developing countries.

Pheakdey Tun, president of UME, commented: "As our region recovers from the economic downturn, the increased job opportunities from foreign investment means that students need to enter the workforce with internationally recognised qualifications."

He added that the collaboration will help to lead to Cambodia becoming a "knowledge economy".

According to research by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Cisco, there is a definite need for networking skills within organisations.

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