Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Officials eye Iran for future tourism growth

via Khmer NZ

Tuesday, 17 August 2010 15:00 May Kunmakara

CAMBODIA expects to receive more Iranian tourists after a trip to the Islamic Republic by senior officials last week.

Foreign Affairs Minister Hor Namhong made a two-day visit to Iran – the second-largest oil exporter in the world – in a bid to strengthen relations and increase the flow of investment.

“The recent boosting of our bilateral relationship will spur improvements not only in extractive industry but also in tourism,” Cambodia Association of Travel Agents President Ang Kim Eang said yesterday.

The number of Iranian tourists travelling to the Kingdom increased more than 57 percent in the first six months compared with the same period last year, albeit from a very low base.

Some 236 Iranians made the trip to Cambodia in the year to the end of June, up from 156 for the same period last year.

Tourism Department director general Tith Chan Tha applauded the improved relations between the two countries.

“As our relationship gets closer, more tourists will come,” and establishing direct flights to Iran could help, he said.

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