Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Remnants of war: Explosion kills four at Pursat party

via Khmer NZ

Tuesday, 31 August 2010 15:03 Sam Rith

Remnants of war

FOUR people died instantly and three more were injured when a piece of unexploded ordnance detonated at a party in Pursat province’s Phnom Kravanh district.

The incident occurred on Sunday afternoon at a gathering of local farmers, Phnom Kravanh district police chief Pich Sopheap said.

“The victim, 30-year-old Chea Thy, was joking by holding a B40 explosive like a microphone,” Pich Sopheap said. Locals said Chea Thy had a habit of playing with unexploded munitions, Pich Sopheap added.

“It was no problem before because he threw them in the dirt, but this time it exploded when it hit the wooden floor,” Pich Sopheap said.

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