Sunday, 29 August 2010

Thais held in Cambodia 'home soon'

via Khmer NZ

Published: 29/08/2010

SURIN : Surin governor Raphee Phongbuphakit has asked the families of three Thais detained for entering Cambodia illegally to be patient as they await their release.

The three Surin natives _ Sanong Wongcharoen, Lim Puangpet, and Lan Sapsri _ were hunting and foraging in a forested area near the border when they wandered on to the Cambodian side and were nabbed by patrol officers.

Mr Raphee said the provincial administrative office was still waiting for the Cambodians to complete the paperwork necessary for the trio's release.

The governor's remarks came after seven family members of the three returned from Siem Reap where they had visited the men in detention.

Siem Reap governor Sou Phirin told the relatives that both Prime Minister Hun Sen and Defence Minister Tea Banh had received a report about the three Thais and were "happy to help".

He dismissed reports that Hun Sen himself had ordered the release of the three Thais, saying the prime minister did not have that authority.

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