Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Border fighter: Veteran dies of liver disease

via CAAI

Wednesday, 15 September 2010 15:00 Thet Sambath

Border fighter

A CAMBODIAN soldier wounded during a 2008 firefight at the Thai border has died of an unrelated illness, his fellow soldiers said.

Ha Loeurn, 46, was shot during a gun battle near Preah Vihear temple, Battalion 404 deputy commander Saing Him said. He succumbed Sunday to liver disease.

“We are sad because we are losing a brave fighter on the battlefield,” Saing Him said. “We tried to save him by sending him to several different hospitals, but the doctors could not help him because his disease was already serious.”

Ha Loeurn’s fellow soldiers from Battalion 404 joined his family for the funeral ceremony, Saing Him said.

Srey Doek, commander of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Division 3, said he would order his subordinates to provide charitable donations to Ha Loeurn’s family and cover funeral costs.

Four Thai troops and three Cambodian soldiers have been killed in clashes along their contentious border since 2008, according to military figures.

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