Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Cambodia has no plan to build nuclear power plant: MP

via CAAI

PHNOM PENH, Sep. 14, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- Cambodia assured Tuesday that it has had no plan to build a nuclear power plant fearing it is harmful to environment and the shortfall of budget and human resource.

Cheam Yeap, chairman of committee for economy, finance, banking and auditing of the National Assembly told local reporters on Tuesday that Cambodia has had no plan to build a nuclear power plant, saying the plant might be harmful to environment while at the same time the plant might need huge budget and human resource.

He said, as of now, no plan of signing any agreement with any foreign countries to build such nuclear power plant.

It is the second time that Cambodia has assured that such plan will not be exercised in the country.

Late last month, Koy Kuong, spokesman of foreign ministry said Cambodia had not made any deal with Iran on anything related to nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong made the statement following media report that suggested during the visit to Iran early August, Hor Namhong, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs might have discussed any issue on nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong said, during the visit, there were only three documents were signed: cooperation in petroleum, economic cooperation and visa exemption.

According to the government statistic, Cambodia increased 16 percent of its power supply per year; however, the price is still higher compared to its neighboring countries of Vietnam and Thailand.

(Source: iStockAnalyst )

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