Saturday, 11 September 2010

Cambodia, Japan talk on Bilateral Cooperation and Regional Issues

Friday, 10 September 2010 11:23 DAP NEWS

VIBOL .CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 10, 2010-Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday allowed the visiting Japanese vice minister for foreign affairs Mr. Osamu Fujimura, to pay the courtesy call on at the council of ministers.

Both side reviewed the bilateral cooperation and close relationship between the two countries,” Eang Sophalet, assistant to PM Hun Sen told reporters after talks.

Eang said: Japanese side remained the visit of King Norodom Sihamoni to Japan in May, which is making significant cooperation between two sides. Cambodian side thanked Japanese people and government who always supported Cambodians both hardware and software infrastructures in poverty reduction and facilitate the economic growth and development of the country.

Eang added that Japanese side will start to build a new bridge over Mekong River at Leak Noung, in Kandal province. And the construction project will be ended in 2015 that will be second biggest bridges over Mekong River which was built by Japan. Japan is a key donor for Cambodia.

Eng said Japanese side considered the cooperation with Mekong river countries as key partners, and Japan will contribute to developing green environment for Mekong River and sustainable development of this river.

Japan also is a key supporter for the UN –Cambodia court and so far, Japan helped 52 million US dollar for seeking justice for Cambodians, who killed about 1. 7 million in Pol Pot regime from 1975-1979.

In a separate case, the visiting Japanese vice minister met with deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of Cambodia Hor Nam Hong on detail issues of UN- Cambodia court. Cambodia urged the international community to sentence the top Khmer rouge leaders fast because those leaders are old and illness. The court lacked budget resources. Both sides talked on climate change issues which are rich and poor countries facing that issues, Koy Khoung, spokesman for foreign ministry said. road network for south economic corridor, south and east-west economic corridor are very important for mekong river region.

Cambodian FM Meets Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN

Friday, 10 September 2010 03:46 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 10, 2010-Cambodian Deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation on Thursday met Chinese ambassador to ASEAN on ASEAN affairs and regional issues.

DPM Hor Namg Hong wants to see good implementation of the declaration on conducts of parties in the south Chinese sea. And hope East Asia and East Asia community will not occur similarly,” Koy Khuong, spokesman for ministry said.

Both sides want to see the justice and free, fair election in Burma, he added.

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