Thursday, 16 September 2010

Cambodia to get nearly 100 armored vehicles

via CAAI

By SOPHENG CHEANG,Associated Press Writer - Thursday, September 16SendIM StoryPrint.PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – Cambodia will get almost 100 tanks and armored personnel carriers next week as it upgrades of its military capabilities amid a dispute with Thailand.

The neighbors have had several small but deadly skirmishes over contending claims to some border territory. Last year, Cambodia reportedly sent six tanks to the disputed area, around the Preah Vihear temple, but they do not appear to have been used in combat.

Reasmei Kampuchea, a newspaper close to the government, cited a senior general at the Defense Ministry saying next week's delivery would comprise 50 T-55 tanks and 44 armored personnel carriers. The report said the vehicles came from Eastern Europe.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong confirmed Wednesday that 94 armored vehicles were on their way.

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