Thursday, 9 September 2010

Dak Nong-Mandulkiri friendship association debuts

via CAAI


A friendship association between the Central Highland province of Dak Nong and Cambodia’s Mandulkiri province made its debut on September 8.

Most of the association’s 400 members are former Vietnamese experts and voluntary soldiers who once worked and engaged in combat in Cambodia.

The association is designed to promote friendship and cooperation between the two provinces, especially in the fields of the economy, culture, science, technology and border security.

The two provinces share a 130-km border with two national border gates. Since 2006, Dak Nong has granted almost VND30 billion to help Mandulkiri build schools, vocational training centres and offices.

Dak Nong has also enabled local people from the Cambodian province to have medical check-ups and treatment in its border hospitals. It also provided foods, medicines and construction materials to Mandulkiri residents who were affected by natural disasters.

1 comment:

  1. Bo suu tap mua he cua Thoi trang GEN, xem tai:
