Wednesday, 8 September 2010

DAP News. Breaking News by Soy Sopheap

via CAAI

World Bank Provides Loan 23 million US dollars to Support Higher Education in Cambodia

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:02 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010-The Royal Government of Cambodia and the World Bank on Tuesday signed a new project to help strengthen higher education institutions in Cambodia. The US$23 million project – Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project.

The project aims to improve the quality of teaching, management and research capacity, and provide scholarships to disadvantaged students, Bou Saoreun, spokesman for World Bank office in Phnom Penh said.

“The Phase II of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Rectangular Strategy, under the dynamic leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Royal Government will continue to strengthen its partnership with the private sector and the national and international communities to enhance and improve the quality of education services. Our main objective is to increase the availability of well-trained public and private sector manpower, including managers, technical specialist and higher level professionals to support the Royal Government’s national development objectives.” said Deputy Prime Minister Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance was quoted as saying in the world bank’s statement.

“Quality in higher education is one of the key issues to build the country’s human capital which is crucial for sustainable development and poverty reduction,” said World Bank Country Director, Annette Dixon. “I hope that this new project will help the country to strengthen its quality standards for education as well as to build the skills needed for the public and private sectors.” She said. The statement from World Bank added that the International Development Association – the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries – is providing a grant and interest-free loan for the project, each valued at US$11.5 million.

This five-year project will focus on four main components: strengthening the capacity of Cambodia’s higher education system by improving the overall development, management and governance of the higher education institutions. This involves strengthening the capacity of the Department of Higher Education, Department of Scientific Research, the Accreditation Committee of Cambodia and Higher Education Institutes. It also is providing Competitive Development and Innovation Grants that could help improve teaching and management, as well as provide practical solutions for existing development problems in the country. Providing Scholarships to Disadvantaged Students based on pro-poor targeting and educational criteria.

Project Management and Monitoring and Evaluation, “The Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project aim to improve the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the Cambodian higher education system. That will then increase the impact of higher education system on the social and economic development of Cambodia through increased human resource skills. This project will introduce several innovations in management systems, student access, institutional management, learning and teaching, and research within higher education institutions,” said H.E. Im Sethy, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport.

“I believe that this first ever higher education project will build a foundation for the future development of the Cambodian higher education sub-sector. That in turn will help lead Cambodia to improved social conditions for its people, and to increased national productivity as outlined in national strategic goals.”

International Community Continues to support UN-Cambodia Court for Case 002

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 10:52 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010-The Friends of the ECCC and Cambodian side on 7 September 2010 was convened on important work of the UN-Cambodian court for processing case 002 and the support for the case in an expanded meeting.

The meeting was hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister in Charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers H.E. Dr. Sok An at the Office of the Council of Ministers in Phnom Penh. Representatives from twenty-two countries and the European Union including Ambassadors of thirteen countries, as well as the Special Expert to the UN Secretary-General, H.E. Mr. Clint Williamson attended the meeting.

Deputy Prime Minister, H.E. Sok An, expressed the support of the Royal Government of Cambodia for the work of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and he urged those present to consider additional support for the Court , the joitn statement said.

It added that secretary of State H.E. Chan Tani and Special Expert to the UN Secretary-General Clint Williamson briefed the ambassadors on the significant achievements of the ECCC, including the recent verdict in Case 001, and conclusion of the investigation in Case 002.

It said: They also emphasized the impact the Court has had on Cambodia in coming to terms with its past, as well as the important role that the ECCC can play in the future in transferring knowledge, skills and technology to the national judiciary.

The participation in this meeting by the Deputy Prime Minister, a senior representative of the UN Secretary-General, and the ambassadors of so many countries, clearly shows the strong partnership that exists between the Royal Government of Cambodia, the United Nations, and the international community relative to the ECCC – a partnership that will be critical as the court moves ahead with its important work.

South Korea Strengthen Cooperation GMS Countries

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 10:45 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010-The Republic of Korea has agreed to work closely with the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) to tackle priority GMS development issues, including transport, trade and the environment, a high level forum heard, the statement from ADB here said on Tuesday.

It added that the two-day Mekong Development Forum, co-organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Republic of Korea’s Ministry of Strategy and Finance, brought together ministers and senior officials from the six GMS countries, along with officials from the Republic of Korea, for discussions on business and partnership opportunities in the region. The GMS comprises Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam.

With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with ADB in 2008, the Republic of Korea has become a prominent cofinancier in a variety of development projects in the subregion.

Companies from the Republic of Korea have also shown increasing interest in the GMS in recent years.

The forum agreed on key areas that require further support, including transforming transport corridors into fully fledged economic corridors, strengthening environmental management, and increasing the use of clean energy in the face of growing threats from climate change.

“We are eager to continue working with the Republic of Korea, and to take our partnership to the next level in addressing the challenges facing the GMS countries in the coming decade,” said C. Lawrence Greenwood, Jr., ADB’s Vice-President for Operations.

The forum also agreed that further work is needed to improve information and communication technology in the GMS to support rural development and poverty reduction efforts.

The priority areas identified at the talks are in line with those endorsed at the recently concluded GMS Ministerial Meeting in Viet Nam on 20 August 2010.

Since 1992, GMS countries have participated in a comprehensive program of economic cooperation covering transport, energy, telecommunications, human resource development, environment and natural resources management, trade facilitation, private investment, tourism, and agriculture with the support of ADB and other development partners.

ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration.

Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members – 48 from the region. In 2009, it approved a total of $16.1 billion in financing operations through loans, grants, and guarantees, a trade finance facilitation program, equity investments, and technical assistance projects. ADB also mobilized co-financing amounting to $3.2 billion.

Slovakian President Starts Visiting Cambodia

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 10:42 DAP NEWS / VIBOL

CAMBODIA, PHNOM PENH, SEPTEMBER 7, 2010-Slovakian president on Tuesday started paying a four day visit in Cambodia to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the countries.

Slovakian president visited here according to invitation from Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni. Slovakian president also will meet with top leaders of Cambodia in Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.

Both sides will talk on trade, economic, and culture cooperation. Two countries mended the diplomatic ties in `1997. Trade volume for both sides is worth about one million US dollars.

President Hu Calls for More Innovation, Use of Clean Energy During Shenzhen Tour

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:47 DAP-NEWS

SHENZHEN, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao called for more innovation and increased use of clean energy during a recent tour of Shenzhen, before he attended a celebratory rally marking the 30th anniversary of the country's first special economic zone.

A major focus of Hu's two-day tour that ended Monday is Shenzhen's efforts in accelerating the transformation of economic growth pattern.

At Tencent Inc., one China's largest Internet portals, Hu learned the company's 12,000 staff have an average age of only 27 years and that 85 percent of them have college degrees.

Hu encouraged young people to innovate and contribute to the nation's Internet industry.

At the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, which is part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hu learned about the recent technological breakthroughs of high-tech enterprises like car maker BYD and telecommunications equipment makers Huawei and ZTE.

After observing intelligent robots and super computers, Hu said he could "feel Shenzhen's creativity and vitality."

Vice President Calls on Chinese Firms to Boost Foreign Investment

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:46 DAP-NEWS

XIAMEN, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Vice President Xi Jinping Tuesday encouraged Chinese companies to expand overseas investment as the country became the fifth largest global investor.

"We are stepping up efforts to boost various forms of overseas investment cooperation and develop our own multinational companies," Xi said at the opening of the Second World Investment Forum, sponsored by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

China ranks as the fifth largest global investor in outbound direct investment (ODI) with a total volume of 56.5 billion U.S. dollars, figures released Sunday by the Ministry of Commerce showed.

"In recent years, China has worked in line with the different stages of opening-up... and adopted new ways of conducting overseas investment and cooperation," Xi said.

The country had supported its enterprises in developing international operations in research and development, production and distribution.

Xi said China was working to support top enterprises to establish international networks for sales distribution.

As of 2009, Chinese companies had set up 13,000 overseas enterprises with overall assets exceeding 1 trillion U.S. dollars.

The country's enterprises had made investments worth 245.7 billion U.S. dollars in 177 countries and regions by the end of last year.

Xi said China, while striving to build an open economy, had been helping developing countries enhance their capacity for independent development, improve living standards and narrow the gap with developed countries.

In September last year, China agreed to buy the first bonds issued by the International Monetary Fund for 50 billion U.S. dollars.

The move is said to have offered a safe investment instrument while boosting the fund's capacity to help member states weather the global financial crisis and help an early recovery of the global economy.

Xi said China requested the fund give priority to the most undeveloped countries when using the money.

"In future, we will encourage more Chinese enterprises to go aboard, deepen South-South Cooperation and truly help developing countries raise economic development capacity," Xi said.

With the theme "Investment for Sustainable Development," the three-day forum will focus on the challenges and opportunities for global investment in a post-crisis economy and seek insights into the balance between investment and sustainable development.

3rd Ld: World Investment Forum Opens in SE China with focus on Sustainable Development

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:44 DAP-NEWS

XIAMEN, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Second World Investment Forum (WIF), seeking to offer insights on the balance between investment and sustainable development, opened Tuesday in Xiamen, in southeast China's Fujian Province.

With the theme "Investment for Sustainable Development," the forum is organized by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and has attracted more than 1,500 overseas investors, policymakers and international organization representatives.

"International investment is high on the agenda of global policy-making," United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said in a video message to the forum.

Despite the recovery of worldwide capital flows since the downturn in 2009, Ban said, the recovery remained fragile and the consequences of climate change were "increasingly clear."

"We must work together to advance responsible investment and corporate sustainability," said Ban.

He urged governments and businesses to make investments that better stimulated economic activity while promoting energy efficiency and green technology.

He stressed the critical role of private investment in the spread of environment friendly practices and in reaching the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Established in 2000, the MDGs are eight development goals to be achieved by 2015. Agreed to by UN member states, the goals include time-bound targets for reducing extreme poverty and child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics, promoting gender equality, education and environmental sustainability.

The forum participants include World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy and senior officials from many countries.

The high-profile list "demonstrates the importance that international investment has gained as an engine of growth and development," UNCTAD Secretary-General Supachai Panitchpakdi said at the opening ceremony.

The four-day forum would examine the challenges and opportunities for global investment in the post-crisis economy.

He urged "a new generation of investment policies" to promote a transformation towards a low carbon economy.

The forum also features presentations from countries showcasing climate change-related investment projects.

Energy and drilling companies and engineering firms from Iceland will also attend the event to contribute their experience on the use of clean energy.

"The abundance of clean energy is the main reason why Iceland is... an attractive investment location for foreign companies," said Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, President of Iceland.

Iceland had based all its electricity production and space heating on clean energy.

However, Grimsson recalled that before the 1970s, more than 80 percent of energy in Iceland came from imported coal and oil.

"The climate crisis is primarily a call for a fundamental energy revolution, a comprehensive transformation from fossil fuel to green energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, hydro and biomass sources," he said.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony.

The three-day forum will include conferences on the impact of investment on sustainable development; how stock exchanges can promote sustainable business practices; and the need for a recognized set of principles for borrowers and lenders that promotes sustainable debt and credit conditions.

Also included is a ministerial round table that will address investment policy coherence in the post-crisis environment. Enditem

Feature: Pyongyang Remains Calm As Major Party Conference Looms

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:42 DAP-NEWS

PYONGYANG, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- As the world media were busy making all sorts of speculation about the coming conference of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the first of its kind in 44 years, the capital city remained calm as usual on Tuesday.

Touring the city, Xinhua reporters could see no signs of any impending big event despite the great significance given to the conference, which, according to a June 23 decision by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the WPK, will be held in early September to make major decisions on high-level appointments.

This conference is required by the new needs of the development of the WPK and revolution when the country's Juche revolutionary cause and the endeavor to build a powerful socialist nation has entered a decisive era, said the WPK decision.

Rodong Sinmun, WPK's official daily newspaper, reported Monday that party delegates were still coming from all parts of the country to Pyongyang.

According to the charter of the WPK, delegates will discuss and decide the routes, policies and personnel changes of the party during the WPK conference.

After a few days of rain, sunny weather returned to Pyongyang on Tuesday. As no traffic restriction was imposed, Xinhua reporters reached the Kim Il Sung Square fairly quickly.

At the square, hundreds of teenagers with red silk fabric in hand were rehearsing group performance to the word command given by loudspeakers. This is part of the preparation for the celebration of the country's 62nd birthday.

Near the square, the First Department Store of Pyongyang was open as usual. There were many customers both inside and outside the store.

Beside the fountain in front of the Mansudae Artistic Theater, a young man sat there reading a book and took notes from time to time. Dozens of middle-aged women sat by the roadside, discussing something with red-covered notebooks in their hands.

Asked about what they were talking about, a woman gave no answer.

Near the theater, the Mansudae Assembly Hall, venue for important conferences, remained quiet with few cars parked nearby. It doesn't look like that any major conference was going on inside. A red banner that read "Marking the 62th anniversary of the founding of our motherland" was hung across its facade.

At a scenic spot by the Taedong River, some people were strolling leisurely. An old man was walking along the river with his little grandchild. A young mother was teasing her baby with a handkerchief. Voices of reading and singing from the nearby Kim Jong Ju primary school could be heard.

National flags were fluttering on street lampposts, and gardeners could be seen pruning the lawn along the street.

Over the past few days, media across the country gave heavy coverage to recent meetings at provincial, city and county levels all over the nation to elect delegates to the party conference.

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