Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Dubai Women’s College raises donations for children in Cambodia

via CAAI


Around 20 students from Dubai Women's College (DWC) recently organized at the college campus a fundraising event entitled "Dirham a Day" for the disabled children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The funds raised during the event amounted to 4000dhs.

DWC Students ran "Dirham a Day" collection, asking all students and staff to donate just one dirham each. The funds were used to pay for a number of activities including an outing, which the children look forward to once a year.

Dr. Howard Reed, Director of DWC said the habit of sharing and giving is well established at DWC. Students learn that even small amounts of money can make a big difference in the lives of many people.

Donna Behl, DWC Chair of Bachelor Year 1 Department, who presented the cheque at the Center, said "As we toured the Damnok Toek Center, the smiles on the faces of the children were very heartwarming. The charitable gesture from our DWC students made a huge difference to this very poor Center. I was impressed with the cleanliness of the Center and the caring staff." Donna added that the Center was very basic with no frills or extras and they are looking for another place which would have a bigger outdoor area. "However, the children are happy and well fed, they have a bed to sleep in and we know the money we have donated will be put to great use. The children who have such severe disabilities and loss of limbs really appreciate support from us. We hope to continue with further fundraising for these lovely kids in the new academic year which starts on 13th September 2010," she pointed out.

DWC Students heard the stories of the Damnok Toek Center for disabled children in Cambodia, learnt about their hardships and realized how fortunate they have been growing up in a protected and safe environment in the UAE. The Damnok Center is a residential care home for around 20 children with intellectual or physical disabilities and who have been rescued from dreadful circumstances. Some of the children have been victims of human trafficking, sold by their families out of desperation, and rescued by the Goutte d'eau organization. Others have been rescued from the rubbish dumps in Phnom Penh and brought to this wonderful centre which provides a caring family environment for the children. The children are taken by bus each day for schooling according to their special learning need, then return to the centre in the afternoon for play, meals and sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. Fund raising is a great source of funds for a cause. However, donations are very big big help too. I admire these kind-hearted people who doesn't have to be asked to share some of their blessings.
