Sunday, 26 September 2010

Help Cambodia's disadvantaged with Food4Everyone

via CAAI

26 Sep 10
by Omar Hamwi

PENRITH psychologist Margarita Parrish says a lack of fresh food and water has made Cambodia one of the most socio-economically depressed countries in the world.

Margarita Parrish on a trip to Cambodia where Food4Everyone assists in building huts and wells.

For four years Mrs Parrish has operated Food4Everyone, a charity that raises money in Australia to build huts and wells there.

She travels to Cambodia twice a year to work with a team to help desperate families.

“Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in the world,” she said.

“Malnutrition is about 50 per cent and lack of water is a huge problem. We do work in Cambodia to help people have their basic right to food.”

Food4Everyone assists in building huts and wells in Cambodia.

Mrs Parrish said since she launched Food4Everyone the organisation had built 110 wells in the country. She added that global deaths due to lack of water equated to 20 jumbo jets falling out of the sky every day.

Homelessness is also a serious problem in Penrith and Mrs Parrish said it needed a solution - but Food4Everyone would not provide assistance here until local problems “remotely resembled” Cambodia’s.

“We have Aboriginal problems and homelessness,” she said.

“If we had (the same problems as Cambodia) here I’d be doing something here.”

The organisation needs 47 house sponsors at $100 each, 19 wall and roof sponsors at $50 each, seven well sponsors at $30 each and 72 mosquito net sponsors at $5 each.

Money raised would ease the suffering of 72 desperate families.

“We have huge plans. We will continue to build basic shelter for people,” Mrs Parrish said.

To donate call 4737 3400, email  or go to

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