Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Men die in Kratie well

via CAAI

Wednesday, 29 September 2010 15:02 Mom Kunthear

TWO brothers and a cousin have died of oxygen deprivation in a well in Kratie province’s Sambor district, officials said yesterday.

The men perished on Saturday while attempting to retrieve a diesel-powered water pump from inside the well, Sambor district governor Heng Sotha said. Villagers were unable to recover their bodies until Sunday, he added.

“They died one by one when they went down to help the first man, who had already died. The second and third man went down after the first man, but then they died as well,” Heng Sotha said.

“They died on Saturday evening, but the villagers did not take their bodies out until Sunday because the pump was spitting smoke out of the well until then.”

An uncle of the brothers attempted to follow them down the well, but villagers held him back, Heng Sotha added.

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