Monday, 13 September 2010

Police Blotter: 13 Sep 2010

via CAAI

Monday, 13 September 2010 15:00 Sun Narin

Don’t ask me about my business: son-in-law
A drunken man threw a bowl at his mother-in-law in Kandal province on Wednesday because she dared question him about his family’s business. The woman told police that the 42-year-old man was constantly drunk and violent, and never worked to support her daughter. She said she told him not to drink, and to help his wife financially. He then reportedly accused her of not knowing about his family’s problems, and threw a bowl at her, drawing blood. Police arrested the man and sent him to court for questioning.

Inquisitive hunter becomes the hunted
A 25-year-old man was shot in the stomach by a wayward bullet fired from a hunter’s gun in Kampong Speu’s Oral district on Thursday. Witnesses reported that the victim was walking his two dogs in a forest to hunt for wildlife when he saw an animal and went in for a closer inspection. A gunshot then sounded, and the victim collapsed unconscious. Police concluded that the bullet must have come from another hunter.

Student denied trendy items hangs himself
A student hanged himself in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district because his mother refused to give him money to buy clothes and a new mobile phone. A neighbour reported that the victim had asked his mother to sell some of her gold jewellery in order to pay for a new phone and some sharp new threads, but she refused. His grandmother reportedly advised him to save his own money. The student, who was said to be depressed, decided to hang himself using a nylon wire attached to a tree. He was found dead the next morning.

Alleged drunken drivers forget themselves
Two men who caused a crash in Banteay Meanchey’s Serei Sophorn district on Thursday were reportedly so drunk they couldn’t remember their names when questioned by police. The suspects’ motorbike swerved into another motorbike, resulting in two serious injuries. They said the drunken men where unable to remember their names or where they were from, and were immediately sent to hospital. Both motorbikes were slightly damaged.

Cop finds mix of poor driving and booze fatal
A police officer died and two of his colleagues were seriously injured after one of their fellow officers drove the car they were riding in into a tree in Ratanakkiri province’s Banlung district on Wednesday. Police concluded that the officer behind the wheel was both drunk and a bad driver to begin with. The two injured men were sent to hospital.

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