Friday, 17 September 2010

Police Blotter: 17 Sep 2010

via CAAI

Friday, 17 September 2010 15:00 Sun Narin

Wealthy bean vendor bruised and burgled
A gang of 10 armed thieves broke into the home of a bean vendor and made off with around US$20,000 and some valuables in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district on Tuesday. The victim’s wife said the thieves tied her husband up with string and beat him unconscious before firing almost 10 bullets into the air to intimidate her. As the thieves were gathering the loot from the apparently wealthy couple, the wife escaped to notify neighbours and police. Five suspects were arrested near the house, but they claimed to be innocent bystanders.

Power cut leads to lights out for husband
A man was gunned down in Kampong Cham province’s O’Rang Oav district on Monday as he tended to a power generator in his backyard. The victim’s wife told police that they were watching a video in the house when her husband went to investigate a power cut. Minutes later, she heard three gunshots ring out, and found her husband dead near the generator. Though she told police her husband never fought with anyone, police have cited revenge as the motive for the killing. No suspects have been identified.

Woman gets shocked by water-power combo
A garment factory worker died instantly after touching a lamp while standing in a puddle of water near her home in Phnom Penh’s Srah Chak commune on Tuesday. The victim’s family said the bare-footed victim touched the lamp for only an instant before suffering a massive electric shock. She was sent to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

Suspect held in rape of sleeping woman
Police have arrested a villager accused of raping a 25-year-old woman while she was sleeping on Sunday in Battambang province’s Rokhak Kiri district. The victim said the suspect climbed into her house and placed his hand over her mouth before raping her. Following the incident, she wept as she told neighbours about what happened. Police have identified the suspect as living in the same village.

Booze-fuelled brawl broken up by gunshots
Police in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town arrested a group of spoiled teenagers and older people who were entangled in a booze-fuelled brawl on Monday night. A total of nine people were involved in the fight, which police described as very bloody. It was apparently triggered by an argument over a debt. To quell it, one officer, who later admitted to being drunk himself, fired two bullets into the air. Police said many of those involved were habitual trouble-makers.

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