Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Police Blotter: 7 Sep 2010

via CAAI

Tuesday, 07 September 2010 15:00 Sun Narin

Fowl argument leads to knee-stabbing, death
A Kampot province man died on Thursday after being slashed in the knee three days earlier in an altercation that was apparently prompted by an argument about ducks. The chief of the village in which the attack occurred said the victim, 42, had drunkenly accused his neighbours of killing his ducks, an allegation that did not sit well with them. He was sent to hospital after being slashed, but died a few days later as a result of his wounds. Police said the accused were still on the run.

Two suspects arrested in abduction case
A 19-year-old female was kidnapped and robbed by up to four assailants in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district on Friday. Police said the victim was abducted from a petrol station, and that the perpetrators transported her in her own car to Kandal province, where they beat her before stealing her jewellery, phone and money. Villagers in Kandal’s Ang Snuol district reported finding her on the side of the road with handcuffs on her arms and legs and a gag in her mouth. Police have since arrested two of the suspects in Takeo province’s Kirivong district.

Talk of marriage ends in woman’s demise
A 19-year-old man was arrested in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district on Saturday for allegedly strangling a woman he had sex with and then refused to marry. Police said the man entered the woman’s room and talked her into having sex with him. When she then asked him to marry her, he responded by strangling her to death with a towel. A witness reported that the two were neighbours and were not involved in a romantic relationship.

Mystery surrounds motive for suicide
A woman hanged herself with an electrical wire in a rented room in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district on Friday after undergoing an abortion procedure. The boyfriend of the 23-year-old said he had gone looking for her after she didn’t answer his phone, and that he had found her dead in her room. Police said the woman killed herself because of “mental issues”, but a neighbour reported that she hanged herself after arguing with the boyfriend about whether to go through with the abortion.

Widow drowns after coining from neighbour
A 48-year-old widower was found dead in a pond in Siem Reap town on Friday after being coined by a neighbour. Police said the widower, a police officer, had asked his neighbour to coin him, after which he went to a nearby pond to reflect. Police concluded that the victim then fainted and drowned. He is survived by three children.

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