Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Siem Reap airport given green light

via CAAI

Monday, 20 September 2010 20:14 May Kunmakara

THE Council for the Development of Cambodia has approved plans to build a new US$1 billion international airport in Siem Reap.

Although the project still awaits final approval from Prime Minister Hun Sen, CDC deputy secretary general Duy Thov said the airport had been welcomed by relevant ministries and institutions to proceed as planned.

“I hope it won’t take a long time to approve – I think it can occur as we all agreed,” he said.

He declined to specify a timeline for the project until the Prime Minister made his decision.
Siem Reap province deputy governor Bun Tharith said the $1 billion investment would come from NSIA Company, a joint venture owned by two South Korean firms, Camco Airport Company and Lees A&A Company.

The government would offer about 500 hectares of concession land in Chie Kreng and Sonikum districts, 60 kilometres from the provincial capital, he said. ...

read the full story in tomorrow’s Phnom Penh Post or see the updated story in online from 3PM UTC/GMT +7 hours. (New York 4AM, Los Angeles 1AM, Chicago 3AM, Paris 10AM, Toronto 4AM, Sydney 6PM, Bejing 4PM, Tokyo 5PM, London 9AM, Johannesburg 10AM, Riyadh 11AM, Mumbai 1:30 PM)

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good move ...... and serious potential competition to Suvarnabhumi airport in Thailand. It will help Cambodia to develop tourism and business at great speed.

    Airport Planner
