Monday, 6 September 2010

Sport : News in Brief

via CAAI

South Africa win Mock African Nations Cup

Monday, 06 September 2010 15:00 Ken Gadaffi

The inaugural edition of the Mock African Nations Cup came to a climax on Saturday at Phnom Penh’s National Sports Complex with South Africa emerging as champions after a 3-2 win in the final over Ivory Coast. Torrential rain had forced the final to be played a day late, while the third place playoff was also nearly washed out but saw Ghana come from behind twice to overcome Cameroon 3-2 and claim third.

TV3 light-welterweight title fight pushed back

Monday, 06 September 2010 15:00 Robert Starkweather

The light-welterweight title fight between Phon Phanna and Cheam Adam scheduled for Saturday at the TV3 boxing arena was cancelled due to illness, a TV3 spokesperson stated. Phon Phanna was said to be unable to fight due to an unspecified malady. The bout has been tentatively rescheduled for September 18.

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