Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Tribunal appeal: Duch team calls for extension

via CAAI

Tuesday, 14 September 2010 15:01 Cheang Sokha and James O'toole

Tribunal appeal

LAWYERS for former Tuol Sleng prison chief Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, have requested an extension of the deadline to file an appeal on behalf of their client, the first to be convicted at the Khmer Rouge tribunal.

Lawyers Kar Savuth and Kang Ritheary said in a request released yesterday that the “size and complexity of this case necessitate an extended time for preparation of an appeal”.

While he could not comment directly on the request, United Nations court spokesman Lars Olsen said that generally, “if a legally binding deadline is not respected, it means that the filing would normally be null and void”. Court rules give the parties 90 days from the verdict to file appeals.

Kar Savuth said Kang Ritheary’s recent appointment – he joined the defence team last month after Duch dismissed international co-lawyer Francois Roux – had made it difficult to complete the appeal in a timely manner.

“We do not know if the court will agree with our proposal or not, but if another month passes and we are still not finished, we will ask for further time,” Kar Savuth said.

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