Saturday, 23 October 2010

Euro MPs denounce Cambodian opposition leader's jail term .
via CAAI

Friday, 22 October 2010
Mohideen Mifthah

PHNOM PENH, Oct 22, 2010 (AFP) - The European Parliament has condemned Cambodia's recent “politically motivated sentences” against an opposition leader in a resolution criticised by the Cambodian government on Friday.

Sam Rainsy, who lives in self-imposed exile in Europe, faces a total of 12 years in prison if he returns to Cambodia, after a court last month sentenced him to 10 years in jail for publishing a false map of the border with Vietnam.

He also lost an appeal earlier this month against a two-year jail term imposed in absentia in January for uprooting border markings.

The European Parliament “condemns all politically motivated sentences against representatives of the opposition”, in particular the sentences “against Sam Rainsy”, according to a resolution adopted on Thursday.

The Euro MPs called on the Cambodian authorities to resolve the dispute with Prime Minister Hun Sen's main rival “through political dialogue and to enable Sam Rainsy to resume his parliamentary activities as rapidly as possible.”If the 12-year verdict is upheld, it would bar Sam Rainsy from standing in the 2013 parliamentary elections, a prospect that left the Euro MPs “particularly alarmed”, the document said.

Cambodian government spokesman Khieu Kanharith lashed out at the resolution, saying Europe should not “give a lesson to Cambodia” and should focus on its own problems.

“Cambodia begs the EU to take care of its economy,” he told AFP.

Rights groups in Cambodia have also condemned the convictions but the government denies they are an attempt to keep the outspoken opposition politician from taking part in the elections.

The European Parliament also expressed concern over a case in August that saw local rights activist Leang Sokchouen jailed for two years for disinformation after he allegedly distributed anti-government leaflets.

It urged Cambodia to “guarantee free and fair political expression without intimidation and harassment.”

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