Monday, 4 October 2010

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via CAAi

King feted in Shanghai

Monday, 04 October 2010 15:01 James O'Toole

KING Norodom Sihamoni met on Saturday in Shanghai with Wu Bangguo, China’s top legislator, the Xinhua news agency reported. Wu, the chairman of the standing committee of China’s national people’s congress, reportedly thanked the King for his visit to the Shanghai World Expo and said China “attaches importance to relations with Cambodia”.

Official lauds Kim Il Sung

Monday, 04 October 2010 15:01 James O'Toole

KONG Kantara, an undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, expressed his “boundless veneration” for late North Korean president Kim Il Sung while attending the Pyongyang International Film Festival, North Korean state media reported last week. “We always remember the fact that the Generalissimo [Kim Il Sung] paid deep attention to the Cambodian people’s struggle for national sovereignty, independence and peace,” Kong Kantara was quoted as saying.

Kem Sokha to appear at Municipal Court

Monday, 04 October 2010 15:01 Meas Sokchea

HUMAN Rights Party leader Kem Sokha will return to Cambodia on Wednesday and appear for questioning at Phnom Penh Municipal Court on October 21, HRP spokesman Yem Ponharith said yesterday. Kem Sokha’s case dates back to 2006, when he was the president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights and former CCHR staffers accused him of defamation and the use of false documents. “Generally, we have nothing to be worried about,” Yem Ponharith said. “We do not have the aim to escape from the court.” He added that Kem Sokha, who has been abroad for about a month, would be defended by 70-year-old lawyer Sa Sovan, as no one else was willing to take the case.

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