Saturday, 23 October 2010

Police Blotter: 22 Oct 2010

via CAAI

Friday, 22 October 2010 15:02 Sen David

Police hope to reform ‘gangster’ students
Police in Kandal province’s Kien Svay district on Monday arrested eight “gangsters” accused of terrorising their village. Some of the gangsters had been accused by neighbours of indulging in “bad moral conduct”, and police said that although they “did not commit any crime or kill anyone”, they had “always threatened and scared residents”. Police said they had given “advice and education” to the group before releasing them, in the hope that they would prove themselves capable of reform “because they are students”.

Garment workers take ownership of their work
Five garment workers in Kandal province’s Ang Snuol district were arrested on Tuesday after the owner of the factory where they work accused them of stealing clothes. The factory owner said the thieves had been caught stealing by a security camera he installed after the first time he noticed a large quantity of clothing had gone missing. He said the five employees had admitted to stealing around 6,000 items of clothing, some of which they had already sold for around US$2,000.

Woman hangs herself after relationship ends
A 24-year-old woman who hanged herself in Phnom Penh’s Chamkarmon district on Tuesday had been devastated by a recent breakup, her co-worker told police. The source, who reportedly worked with the woman in a restaurant in the capital, said her friend’s heart had been broken “so many times before”. After her latest boyfriend ended their relationship, the woman, feigning illness, asked their boss if she could leave work early on Tuesday, the source said. Neighbours later found the woman dead in her bedroom.

Man kills booze buddy, dumps body in well
A 24-year-old man has admitted to robbing and killing his friend after a drinking session in Kampong Chhnang province’s Rolea Bier district on Tuesday, police said. After spending the afternoon drinking wine together, police said, the man killed his friend before stealing his motorbike and dumping his body in a well. Police said that the suspect would be sent to court.

Cops search for missing 6-year-old swimmer
A 6-year-old boy drowned in a large pond in Banteay Meanchey province’s Serei Sophorn district on Tuesday. His father said the boy, who had been left in the care of a neighbour for the day, had disappeared while swimming in the pond. Police and the father were still searching for the body.

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