Monday, 4 October 2010

Police Blotter: 4 Oct 2010

via CAAI

Monday, 04 October 2010 15:01 Sun Narin

Mentally ill officer goes out with a bang
A 51-year-old former military policeman committed suicide in Battambang province on Friday by blowing himself up with a hand grenade. The man’s wife said her husband, who she believes was mentally ill, had previously tried to commit suicide numerous times by “drinking poison and strangling his own throat”, but had always been saved by family members or neighbours. Family members tied the man up to protect him from himself the night before he died, his widow said, but he escaped in the morning and “exploded himself”.

Motodop robbed and killed in Koh Kong
A 38-year-old motorbike-taxi driver was robbed and killed in Koh Kong province on Thursday. Police said an assailant strangled the victim with a metal wire before taking off with his motorbike, mobile phone, a ring and around US$50 in cash. The victim’s wife said she had reported her husband missing when he did not come home after working on Thursday. She said, however, that she ended up launching her own search party and finding her husband’s body after police failed to do so.

Shame prompts man to take his own life
A man committed suicide by jumping from the top of an electricity pole in Preah Vihear province on Friday because he was ashamed that he could not afford to take his family to the local pagoda. His widow told police that her husband, who she suspected was mentally ill, had appeared distraught after she told him they could not afford to buy offerings to take to the pagoda. Later that day, he jumped from a 10-metre electricity pole and died on impact, she said.

Car kills motorcyclist, hits rubbish collectors
At least one person died and three others were seriously injured after a speeding car hit a motorbike driver and veered off National Road 5 in Russey Keo district to hit a group of rubbish collectors on Wednesday. Police said the motorbike driver died instantly at the scene. They said the speeding driver had escaped, but that they had confiscated his car and were investigating the case.

One killed, one injured in motorbike crash
A 42-year-old man died and another man was seriously injured in a traffic collision in Phnom Penh on Wednesday. The man who died was riding on his motorbike when he was hit by another motorbike while attempting to cross Russian Federation Boulevard, according to witnesses. Police confiscated both motorbikes pending an investigation.

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