Saturday, 16 October 2010

Police Blotter:

via CAAI

Friday, 15 October 2010 15:01 Sen David

Police catch crooks in hand-cutting crime
Two men were arrested this week for allegedly cutting off a man’s hands last year in Phnom Penh. Police said the two suspects were arguing with the victim when they held him down and cut off his hands with a knife. They escaped to another province but were arrested when they returned to the capital this week. The victim’s family reported that they were happy about the arrest, as the victim had found life without hands “difficult”.

Thieves interrupt lovers’ embrace in dark place
Two lovers were robbed at knifepoint by two thieves in Phnom Penh’s Prampi Makara district on Monday. Police said the couple were “expressing their love” in a dark, quiet place when the two bandits interrupted them. The thieves made off with their motorbike, mobile phones and a wad of cash before the victims shouted for help. Police apprehended one suspect and returned the stolen booty. The couple has promised never to sit in the dark, quiet place again because “it is so dangerous”.

Man gets wires crossed in rain, gets shocked
A 48-year-old man was electrocutedto death while trying to repair a wire in the rain in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Wednesday. Police said the victim was attempting a repair inside his house when he was shocked, and that neighbours sent him to hospital immediately following the incident. Beforehand, the victim’s wife had implored him not to repair the line because it was dangerous. The wife is reportedly sad because she now has to raise their eight children by herself.

Gang of dancers shoot pair of youngsters
Two youngsters were shot by a gang who came to party at a restaurant in Phnom Penh’s Chamkarmon district on Sunday. The owner of the restaurant said the gang were the first to arrive at the restaurant, and were keen to cut the rug on the restaurant’s dance floor following a meal. At one point, the gang entered into an argument with the victims, and one of the gangsters pulled out a gun and shot them. They were taken to hospital and were still alive, police said. Officials are now on the hunt for the gunman.

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