Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Relay marathon to raise funds for Cambodia

Winners 'Team Mad' (l-r) Dave Wylie, Anderson Santos and Mark Roy with a team time of 2:55:58. Photo: Supplied.

via CAAI

Michele McPherson
18th October 2010

The soggy weather failed to dampen the spirits of the 29 teams that competed in a Tauranga team relay marathon event to raise money for water sanitation in Cambodia.

The A $ A K marathon, held on Sunday at Fergusson Park, saw each of the teams donate $1 for each kilometre they ran to the World Vision water sanitation project in Cambodia, with the event raising $1218 for the cause.

First to cross the finish-line was Team Mad, consisting of Anderson Santos, Dave Wylie and Mark Roy, who finished in 2:55:18.

Second was Mount Joggers, Team 3, in 3:18:49 and third was The Three in 3:31:23.

The first runner from each team ran 7km, followed by the second who ran 14km and the
third who ran 21km to complete the 42km course.

The event was organised by Tauranga woman Ang Jackson on behalf of Life Network Charitable Trust.

Mrs Jackson said 100 per cent of the funds raised would go to the three-year project,
which is fully funded by New Zealanders.

Mrs Jackson said the event attracted all levels of runners and there was amazing
camaraderie between teams and marshalls.

She said a closing speech from a World Vision representative helped reinforce the message about what could be achieved by the 87 competitors when they worked in teams.

"It's not a one-person job to do anything for another community."

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