Friday, 1 October 2010

Thinking fitness

via CAAI

Friday, 01 October 2010 15:00 Nicky Hosford

GETTING fit just got easier. Until last week, Conchetta Pisani taught Pilates at the Peace Café on Tuesdays and Fridays every week. The only difficulty was that the classes were always during office hours, a fact which prevented many from attending.

That’s changed now, as Conchetta has opened her own Th!nk fitness studio. The specially adapted studio is light and airy, has mirrors down one wall, parquet flooring, air-conditioning, and all of the necessary equipment. Here, Conchetta will be leading classes in Pilates, fit-ball, circuit training and even belly dancing. She hopes to be able to add to the dance options in the near future.

Classes will be scheduled, details of which will become available shortly. People are also free to book their own sessions, either as a group of three or more, or as individuals. Group classes are, as before, $6 an hour.

The new studio is on the left-hand side of National Road 6, the road to the airport, opposite the Ford outlet and near the Total petrol station.

The studio is above the new printing and photo shop, Angkor Photography & Publishing.

For more details, contact Conchetta on 092 956 154.

1 comment:

  1. Good for the people of Cambodia, they can now take the advantage of weekend classes and fitness programs.
