Wednesday, 3 November 2010

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

via CAAI

Cambodia Asks the U.S. to Consider Tax Exemptions

Phnom Penh, November 2, 2010 AKP -- Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H.E. Hor Namhong has called on the U.S. to consider tax exemptions for Cambodian goods exporting to the U.S.

Speaking at a joint press conference here on Nov. 1 after his meeting with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Cambodian deputy prime minister explained that the tax exemptions will contribute to Cambodia’s socio-economic development.

The U.S. has targeted to import annually Cambodian goods with the total values from US$2,000 million to US$3,000 million, he added.

For her part, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton affirmed that the U.S. is willing to consolidate and expand the ties of friendship with Cambodia through trade exchanges and development in Cambodia.

“We can work even more closely together to help meet the challenges facing Cambodia and all Southeast Asia. Cambodia is doing more than ever before to improving health system, in particular, on HIV/AIDS. We will be helping the people of Cambodia mounts a comprehensive fight against the hunger by raising agricultural productivity and making nutrition foods more widely available,” she said.

Regarding the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, the U.S. secretary of state said the American government will consider providing more fund to support the tribunal’s process.

For the debt Cambodia owed to the U.S., Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton said a team of experts will come and resume talks with the Cambodian government on this issue.

She further wished to see the Office of the UN Human Rights in Cambodia continue to work with NGOs and the Cambodian government and the cooperation between the UN and the Cambodian government in human rights and rule of law training.

U.S. Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton began her official visit in Cambodia on Oct. 31 in Siem Reap province. She came to Phnom Penh on Monday where she met with Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Hor Namhong. She was also received in a royal audience by His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni before leaving Cambodia on the same day. --AKP

(By SOKMOM Nimul)


Cambodia To Host ASEAN Summit in 2012

Phnom Penh, November 2, 2010 AKP -- Cambodia will become the chair of ASEAN in 2012 and Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen will represent the 10 ASEAN member countries to attend the G20 Meeting.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister H.E. Hor Namhong told reporters on Oct. 31 at Phnom Penh International Airport upon the return of the Cambodian delegation led by Samdech Techo Hun Sen from the 17th ASEAN Summit held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

H.E. Hor Namhong said the 17th ASEAN Summit has touched on many topics, of them there were two main points:

The ASEAN leaders have agreed to see to it that the chair of ASEAN attend regularly the G20 Meeting on economy and finance and the G8 Meeting on security, politics and economy.

The ASEAN heads of state and government have adopted the master plan on ASEAN connectivity so as to achieve the establishment of the ASEAN Community by 2015.

According the deputy prime minister, there were 12 meetings between the ASEAN leaders and the ASEAN partner countries, during which 15 documents have been adopted by the ASEAN heads of state and government, six by foreign ministers and four by ministers of economy.

On the sidelines of the 17th ASEAN Summit, Cambodian Premier Samdech Techo Hun Sen and his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao have hold bilateral talks, during which China announced a grant aid of 100 million Yuan to Cambodia to contribute to the construction of a railway line from Phnom Penh to Loc Ninh, Vietnam with the total cost of US$600 million. --AKP

(By KHAN Sophirom)


Hungary Provides Medicine Assistance to Cambodia

Phnom Penh, November 2, 2010 AKP -- A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Int. Dev. Cooperation​ Research and Management (HUN-DEV), represented by Dr. Gyorgy Suha, Senior Advisor of the agency; and the Office of the Council of Ministers, represented by its Secretary of State H.E. Hing Thoraxy, was signed here on Oct. 28.

The auspicious occasion was presided over by Deputy​​ Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers H.E. Sok An, according to the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of the Council of Ministers.

Through the MOU, the Association of Hungarian Diplomats will provide medicine assistance worth approximately US$1 million to the Royal Government for humanitarian work in the Preah Vihear Temple region.

Dr. Gyorgy Suha said that the MOU would formulate the framework for mutual cooperation between Cambodia and Hungary in various sectors, the priorities of which are the establishment of school for vocational training, Green Energy project and the transfer of agricultural technology to Cambodia.

He added that he would strive to successfully implement the MOU in order to further contribute to the development of Cambodia.

Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Sok An stressed that the MOU would contribute to the conservation and sustainable development of the Preah Vihear Temple region, which is the main focus of the Royal Government of Cambodia, under the wise leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia. He further highlighted that conservation and development works are very complicated and require an in-depth study as well as a clear plan in order to ensure sustainable development, a subject which the Royal Government has always paid great attention to.

H.E. Sok An said that the Royal Government is seeking more development partners to help develop the Preah Vihear region to be an eco-tourism destination.

The Cambodian deputy prime minister is optimistic that the bilateral relations between Cambodia and Hungary will be further strengthened and enhanced.

In this ceremony, H.E. Sous Yara, Undersecretary of State of the Office of the Council of Ministers, said that the Honorable Consulate of the Republic of Hungary had asked for permission from the Royal Government of Cambodia to consider the possibility of setting up the Honorable Consulate of Cambodia in Budapest and the Honorable Consulate of Hungary in Phnom Penh. This initiative will make it easier for the two countries to foster closer cooperation so that development and investment plans in Cambodia can be effectively promoted. Moreover, the HUN-DEV institution plans to set up its good office in Cambodia in order to facilitate development cooperation between Cambodia and Hungary. --AKP

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