Thursday, 25 November 2010

Cambodia Mourns Stampede Victims

via CAAI


Mournful prayers in Cambodia following a stampede that killed at least 375 people during a water carnival.

Many more are still missing.

Hundreds of Buddhist monks gathered in the capital Phnom Penh at the site of Monday's tragic incident, paid condolences to the victims.

[Non Nget, Secretary General of Buddhist Monks in Cambodia]:
"I came here to hold a Buddhist ceremony for those who died during the water festival, to all those young and old. When they are sad, we are sad too."

Local villagers also took part in the memorial ceremony -- offering up fruits, sweets and incense sticks.

Nearby, police blocked entrances to this bridge -- still littered with victims' belongings -- where the search for survivors continues.

Witnesses say the stampede began when several people were electrocuted while standing on the bridge.

Panic resulted in a human gridlock where countless victims were trampled to death, suffocated or drowned.

Nearly a day later, families of the missing crowd this local hospital to see if their loved ones are among the dead.

[Sem Sreyleak, Relative of Stampede Victim]:
"She came to Phnom Penh a day before the water festival started. There is still no news about her, so I don't know where she is now."

The stampede was the world's worst since 2006, when over 350 Muslim pilgrims were crushed to death during religious rituals in Saudi Arabia.

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