Thursday, 4 November 2010

China, Cambodia reaffirm to cement all-round partnership

via CAAI

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- China and Cambodia on Thursday underscored their commitment to developing their all-round cooperative partnership.

The pledge came out of the hour-long talks between top Chinese legislator Wu Bangguo and President of Cambodian National Assembly Heng Samrin in Phnom Penh Thursday morning.

Heng Samrin first extended a warm welcome to Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China, the country's top legislature.

Heng Samrin hailed Wu's four-day visit to Cambodia as important and far-reaching for bilateral all-round cooperative partnership.

Wu said China-Cambodia relationship had withstood the test of changes in international arena and taken on vigor and vitality since the two countries forged diplomatic ties in 1958.

We characterized China-Cambodia relationship as a paradigm of how countries can sincerely work together, citing strong political trust, rapidly-growing economic cooperation, increasing exchanges in all fields and close coordination on international issues.

Looking to the future, Wu proposed the two countries maintain exchanges between high-ranking officials, deepen political trust and consolidate traditional friendship.

He called for the two countries to step up trade and economic cooperation and seek joint development on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

Wu said China encouraged its businesses to work more closely with Cambodian companies, play their part in Cambodian infrastructure construction, agricultural development and economic development zones.

He appealed for both sides to explore new ways of cooperation and provide quality services in a bid to bring trade and economic ties to a new high.

On the international front, Wu urged the two countries to step up coordination and cooperation on international and regional issues, promote the relations between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), work more closely in combating cross-border crimes and terrorism.

Wu and Heng highlighted the stronger cooperation between the NPC and Cambodian National Assembly.

Wu proposed more exchanges among legislative leaders, specialized commissions and working bodies of both legislatures on state administration, legislation and supervision.

Heng Samrin agreed with Wu's proposal, saying Cambodian National Assembly would keep close exchanges with the NPC at all levels and make positive contribution to bilateral relations.

Heng said Cambodia would adhere to the one-China policy and support China's peaceful reunification.

Later Thursday morning, Wu also met with Cambodian Senate President Chea Sim on bilateral relations.

During his stay in Cambodia, Wu will also call on Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and meet with Prime Minister Hun Sen. A package of deals on China-Cambodia economic cooperation will be signed during Wu's visit.

Cambodia is the first leg of Wu's three-nation visit to Southeast Asia, which will also take him to Indonesia and Thailand.

Editor: Fang Yang

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