Saturday, 6 November 2010

China's top legislator highlights sound ties with Cambodia during meeting with King

via CAAI

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- Top Chinese legislator Wu Bangguo said here Thursday that his three meetings with the Cambodian King this year reflect the sound bilateral ties between the two countries.

"I have met your majesty three times this year, which reflects the high level of bilateral ties and the royal family's special friendship with China," Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, said during a meeting with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni.

Wu said the Cambodian royal family has long attached high importance to the development of its ties with China and established sound personal relationship, as well as sound working relationship, with Chinese leaders of generations, making outstanding contributions to the development of bilateral ties.

As a good neighbor, friend and partner, China will, as always, support Cambodia's efforts in maintaining national unity, developing economy and improving people's lives, Wu said.

China respects the path Cambodia has chosen based on its realities and thanks Cambodia for its precious support for the issues related to China's core interests, Wu said.

"The purpose of my visit to the country is to enhance traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation and upgrade legislative communications in a bid to push the all-round cooperative partnership for further development," Wu said.

Recalling his visit to the Shanghai World Expo on Oct. 1, King Norodom Sihamoni extended his warm congratulations to the great success of the Expo.

He said Wu's visit plays a significant role in enhancing and developing China-Cambodia friendship and cooperation.

Cambodia attaches high importance to its ties with China and is willing to further promote bilateral ties, the King said.

Wu arrived here on Wednesday for a 4-day official visit to the Southeast Asian country. Wu's arrival is the first of its kind in nearly 10 years for a Chinese top legislator to visit the country. He will also visit Indonesia and Thailand.

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